RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation. In some enviroments of A2C


I’m working on A2C algorithm for similar enviroments. A2C has learned the optimal solution for 2 error-free environments. But, while training some of the other environments the error is thrown:

RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by inplace operation: [torch.LongTensor[1,1]] is at version 1; expected version 0 instead.

As I mentioned at the beginning, all the environments are very similar to each other. They all try to solve the same problem and their main difference lies in the number of actions available, what each action does in the environment and the calculation of the reward.

It’s the first time that I work with neural networks (CNN) and with RL algorithms. I’ve read other posts about the same error, I’ve made the mentioned recommendations, I’ve reviewed the code… but I still can’t find the reason for the problem, let alone how to fix it. Especially, why it works perfectly in 2 environments and not in 2 others that I’ve tested so far.

I’m using PyTorch=1.13.1. I really appreciate your help:

The A2C algorithm code is as follows:

class DeepActorCriticAgent(mp.Process):
	def __init__(self, id, env_name, agent_params, env_params):
		super(DeepActorCriticAgent, self).__init__() = id
		self.actor_name = "Actor " + str(
		self.env_name = env_name
		self.params = agent_params					
		self.env_conf = env_params
		self.policy = self.discrete_policy
		self.gamma = self.params["gamma"]
		self.firebreaks_num = self.env_conf["firebreak_num"]			
		self.nsims_env = self.env_conf["nsims"]
		self.trajectory = []
		self.rewards = []
		self.global_step_num = 0
		self.best_mean_reward = -float("inf")
		self.best_reward = -float("inf")
		self.saved_params = False

	def discrete_policy(self, obs):
		logits =
		value = self.critic(obs)
		self.logits ="cpu"))
		self.value ="cpu"))
		self.action_distribution = Categorical(logits = self.logits)
		return self.action_distribution

	def preprocess_obs(self, obs):
		aux_list = []
		for i in range(len(obs)):
			aux = torch.Tensor(np.array(np.reshape(obs[i], self.env.grid_size()[0:2])))
		aux_tuple = tuple(aux_list)
		obs = torch.stack(aux_tuple)
		return obs

	def get_action(self, obs):
		obs = self.preprocess_obs(obs)
		action_distribution = self.policy(obs)
		value = self.value
		action = action_distribution.sample()
		log_prob_a = action_distribution.log_prob(action)
		self.trajectory.append(Transition(obs, value, action, log_prob_a))
		return action
	def calculate_n_step_return(self, n_step_rewards, final_state, done, gamma):
		g_t_n_s = list()
		with torch.no_grad():
			g_t_n = torch.tensor([[0]]).float() if done else self.critic(self.preprocess_obs(final_state)).cpu()
			for r_t in n_step_rewards[::-1]:
				g_t_n = torch.tensor(r_t).float() + gamma * g_t_n
				g_t_n_s.insert(0, g_t_n)
			return g_t_n_s

	def calculate_loss(self, trajectory, td_targets):
		n_step_trayectory = Transition(*zip(*trajectory))
		v_s = n_step_trayectory.value_s
		log_prob_a = n_step_trayectory.log_prob_a
		actor_losses = []
		critic_losses = []
		for td_target, critic_prediction, log_p_a in zip(td_targets, v_s, log_prob_a):
			td_error = td_target - critic_prediction
			actor_losses.append(- log_p_a * td_error)						
			critic_losses.append(F.smooth_l1_loss(critic_prediction, td_target))
		actor_loss = torch.stack(actor_losses).mean() - self.action_distribution.entropy().mean()
		critic_loss = torch.stack(critic_losses).mean()
		return actor_loss, critic_loss

	def learn(self, n_th_observation, done):
		td_targets = self.calculate_n_step_return(self.rewards, n_th_observation, done, self.gamma)
		actor_loss, critic_loss = self.calculate_loss(self.trajectory, td_targets)

		actor_loss.backward(retain_graph = True)



	def run(self):
		self.env = FireEnv(self.env_name, seed = seed, nsims = self.nsims_env, T = self.firebreaks_num)	
		self.features_shape = self.env.feature_shape()
		self.action_shape = int(self.params["actions_shape"]) 
		self.critic_shape = 1
		self.policy = self.discrete_policy = DeepActor(self.features_shape, self.action_shape, device).to(device)
		self.critic = DeepCritic(self.features_shape, self.critic_shape, device).to(device)

		self.actor_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(, lr = self.params["learning_rate"])
		self.critic_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic.parameters(), lr = self.params["learning_rate"])

		episode_rewards = list()
		previous_checkpoint_mean_ep_rew = self.best_mean_reward
		num_improved_episodes_before_checkpoint = 0

		for episode in range(self.params["max_num_episodes"]):
			obs = self.env.reset()
			done = False
			ep_reward = 0.0
			step_num = 0
			step_episode = 0
			while not done:
				action = self.get_action(obs)
				next_obs, reward, done = self.env.step(obs, action, step_episode)
				ep_reward += reward
				step_num += 1
				step_episode += 1

				if step_num > self.params["learning_step_thresh"] or done:
					self.learn(next_obs, done)
					step_num = 0

					if done:
						if ep_reward > self.best_reward:
							self.best_reward = ep_reward
						if np.nanmean(episode_rewards) > previous_checkpoint_mean_ep_rew:
							num_improved_episodes_before_checkpoint += 1
						if num_improved_episodes_before_checkpoint >= self.params['save_freq']:
							previous_checkpoint_mean_ep_rew = np.nanmean(episode_rewards)
							self.best_mean_reward = np.nanmean(episode_rewards)
							num_improved_episodes_before_checkpoint = 0

				obs = next_obs
				self.global_step_num += 1

And the CNN code is:

class DeepActor(torch.nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, input_shape, output_shape, device = torch.device("cpu")):
		super(DeepActor, self).__init__()
		self.device = device
		self.layer1 = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Conv2d(input_shape, 32, 3, stride = 1, padding = 1), torch.nn.ReLU())
		self.layer2 = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Conv2d(32, 64, 3, stride = 2, padding = 1), torch.nn.ReLU())
		self.layer3 = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, stride = 1, padding = 0), torch.nn.ReLU())
		self.layer4 = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(64*3*3, 512), torch.nn.ReLU())
		self.logits = torch.nn.Linear(512, output_shape)

	def forward(self, x):
		x =
		x = self.layer1(x)
		x = self.layer2(x)
		x = self.layer3(x)
		x = x.view(-1, x.shape[0]*x.shape[1]*x.shape[2])
		x = self.layer4(x)
		logits = self.logits(x)
		return logits

class DeepCritic(torch.nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, input_shape, output_shape = 1, device = torch.device("cpu")):
		super(DeepCritic, self).__init__()
		self.device = device
		self.layer1 = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Conv2d(input_shape, 32, 3, stride = 1, padding = 1), torch.nn.ReLU())
		self.layer2 = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Conv2d(32, 64, 3, stride = 2, padding = 1), torch.nn.ReLU())
		self.layer3 = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, stride = 1, padding = 0), torch.nn.ReLU())
		self.layer4 = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(64*3*3, 512), torch.nn.ReLU())
		self.critic = torch.nn.Linear(512, output_shape)

	def forward(self, x):
		x =
		x = self.layer1(x)
		x = self.layer2(x)
		x = self.layer3(x)
		x = x.view(-1, x.shape[0]*x.shape[1]*x.shape[2])
		x = self.layer4(x)
		critic = self.critic(x)
		return critic

Hi Tatiana!

This error message is telling you that a LongTensor of shape [1, 1] is
being modified inplace (and causing problems). Do you know – or can you
figure out – where in your code you have such a LongTensor that is being

Try wrapping your learn() method in a with autograd.detect_anomaly():
block and see if the forward-pass traceback it produces shows you where the
modification is happening.

I do not see any obvious inplace operations in your code.

Using retain_graph = True can sometimes lead to such an error. However,
if actor_loss and critic_loss share the same forward-pass computation
graph, you might need to retain the graph. Try leaving retain_graph = True
out. If things work, great. If you get another error when you call
critic_loss.backward(), you could try, at the cost of additional computation, recomputing critic_loss (to rebuild the graph) before calling

Those calls to x.requires_grad_() look odd. Are they in there for some
specific reason? Generally it only makes sense to set .requires_grad_()
when you initialize a parameter you wish to optimize. (I don’t think these
would be the cause of your problem, but perhaps they’re a symptom of
something else that’s fishy going on.)

Good luck!

K. Frank

Hi KFrank! Thanks for your help!

I’ve been trying some of your suggestions in the environments where the code works without errors and:

I wrapped learn() method in a with autograd.detect_anomaly(): block and the it didn’t show any error (remember first I tried with the enviroments without errors).

Then I leaved retain_graph = True out, but it didn’t work. It showed me

RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time (or directly access saved tensors after they have already been freed). Saved intermediate values of the graph are freed when you call .backward() or autograd.grad(). Specify retain_graph=True if you need to backward through the graph a second time or if you need to access saved tensors after calling backward.

so as you said I really need it to calculate critic_loss… Now I’m thinking other way to calculate critic_loss, but I haven’t been able to find it yet (I’m still working on it).

Now, about x.requires_grad_() in DeepCritic and DeepActor networks: I tried two different environments with it and without it . When I didn’t use it, the agent didn’t learn anything. All actions had the same distribution in the test (at the end of the training). However, when I used it the agent learned the optimal solution (as I said in the first post). So, yes, I really need it because the agent needs to learn the best action in every state (the actions are the output of the DeepActor and x is the state as input)

Finally, I only wrapped learn() method in a with autograd.detect_anomaly() block with one of the environments that returned the inplace error. I’m not sure exactly which line it shows me that the inplace operation is happening or where I should look to fix the error (because the code is exactly the same for the initial environments and only the reward function and the number of actions available changes).

I would really appreciate any other suggestions to fix the error,


Hi Tatiana!

In the screenshot you posted, “line 198, in get_action” and “line 127,
in log_prob” suggest to me that the action you pass to action.distribution.log_prob (action) gets modified (inplace)
somewhere before the associated backward pass is performed.

(As an aside, please don’t post screenshots of textual information. It breaks
accessibility, searchability, and copy-paste.)

Could you print out action.type and action.shape to see if action is, in fact,
the torch.LongTensor[1,1] that your inplace-modification error is complaining

Also print out action._version right after you create it with
action = action_distribution.sample() and then again right before you
call actor_loss.backward(). My expectation is that the versions will differ.

I don’t see any place in your code where action is modified inplace. However,
you pass action to the functions Transition() and env.step() which could
hypothetically be modifying action inplace. Print out action._version
before and after those function calls to see if the version is being changed.

Without having confirmed where the inplace modification is occurring, it’s hard
to know how to fix it. However, you might take a shot and clone action in the
step() call: self.env.step (obs, action.clone(), step_episode).

Good luck!

K. Frank

Hi K. Frank!

I finally found the error. As you said in the last comment, it was in self.env.step().

Your input with the action._version was really important in finding the inplace operation.

Thanks a lot.