Suppose you have an LSTM model with two layers:
l = LSTM(10, 20, 2)
Then all its parameters names are in this list of lists:
>>> l._all_weights
[['weight_ih_l0', 'weight_hh_l0', 'bias_ih_l0', 'bias_hh_l0'],
['weight_ih_l1', 'weight_hh_l1', 'bias_ih_l1', 'bias_hh_l1']]
And you can acces them by name:[20:40].fill_(0)
(In this case biases are arrays of length 80.)
If you want to set the bias for all forget gates to 1:
for names in l._all_weights:
for name in filter(lambda n: "bias" in n, names):
bias = getattr(l, name)
n = bias.size(0)
start, end = n//4, n//2[start:end].fill_(1.)