[SOLVED] PyTorch no longer supports this GPU because it is too old

Yes, but not on your GPU as it’s too old as the error message explains.

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Sorry for bothering you. I’m dealing with the same problem. By reading the previous comments I’m asking, building from source could solve it or I just need a newer GPU? And what is the difference of building from source?
Thx in advance for the answer.

Building from source allows you to specify the GPU architectures manually. I don’t know which GPU you are using and if a source build would still support it.

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I’m using a GeForce 920M and it said that has a capability of 3.5. So as GPU architecture I have to set CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=35?

Use TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=3.5 and try to build with it. The setup should however also detect your GPU by default, if I’m not mistaken.