Some problems with WeightedRandomSampler

Based on your weights, I assume you might have multiples of this distribution:

class_counts = torch.tensor([104, 642, 784])

If so, I’ve manipulated my example code to use your weights and data distribution to get approx. equally distributed batches:

# Create dummy data with class imbalance 99 to 1
class_counts = torch.tensor([104, 642, 784])
numDataPoints = class_counts.sum()
data_dim = 5
bs = 170
data = torch.randn(numDataPoints, data_dim)

target =[0], dtype=torch.long),
                    torch.ones(class_counts[1], dtype=torch.long),
                    torch.ones(class_counts[2], dtype=torch.long) * 2))

print('target train 0/1/2: {}/{}/{}'.format(
    (target == 0).sum(), (target == 1).sum(), (target == 2).sum()))

# Compute samples weight (each sample should get its own weight)
class_sample_count = torch.tensor(
    [(target == t).sum() for t in torch.unique(target, sorted=True)])
weight = 1. / class_sample_count.float()
samples_weight = torch.tensor([weight[t] for t in target])

# Create sampler, dataset, loader
sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(samples_weight, len(samples_weight))
train_dataset =, target)
#train_dataset = triaxial_dataset(data, target)
train_loader = DataLoader(
    train_dataset, batch_size=bs, num_workers=0, sampler=sampler)

# Iterate DataLoader and check class balance for each batch
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(train_loader):
    print("batch index {}, 0/1/2: {}/{}/{}".format(
        i, (y == 0).sum(), (y == 1).sum(), (y == 2).sum()))

> target train 0/1/2: 104/642/784
batch index 0, 0/1/2: 52/60/58
batch index 1, 0/1/2: 63/60/47
batch index 2, 0/1/2: 62/58/50
batch index 3, 0/1/2: 59/60/51
batch index 4, 0/1/2: 45/65/60
batch index 5, 0/1/2: 59/60/51
batch index 6, 0/1/2: 54/56/60
batch index 7, 0/1/2: 59/60/51
batch index 8, 0/1/2: 57/64/49

Could you compare your code to mine and let me know, if you get stuck somewhere?

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