Source not available and xxx.cpp is not found?

Create a tensor in cpu is OK, but create it in GPU(that`s mean use .to(at::Kcuda) ) will cause an error.

When i debug this program, i found this error locates at a function: const KernelFunction& lookup(DispatchKey k) const (line 176 in OperatorEntry.h)
and its parameter value is NULL?
Detail Value can be obtained from the following :

k             "CUDA(2'\x')
kernel	      {functor_={target_=0x0000000000000000 <NULL> } boxed_kernel_func_=0x0000000000000000 unboxed_kernel_func_=...}	const c10::KernelFunction &
this	      0x0000000001f372a0 {name_={name="aten::empty_strided" overload_name="" } schema_={...} dispatchTable_=...}	c10::impl::OperatorEntry *


The function code:

 const KernelFunction& lookup(DispatchKey k) const {
    const auto idx = getDispatchTableIndexForDispatchKey(k);
    if (C10_UNLIKELY(idx == -1)) {
    const auto& kernel = dispatchTable_[idx];
    // A valid kernel *always* has a boxed kernel and *may* have an
    // unboxed kernel. However, we typically do unboxed calls in at::
    // APIs, where the kernel 1) will very likely be valid and 2)
    // should have an unboxed kernel. Checking the unboxed kernel
    // first will allow us to avoid touching the boxed kernel at all
    // in the common case.
    if (C10_UNLIKELY(!kernel.isValidUnboxed())) {
      if (!kernel.isValid()) {
    return kernel;

Are you building the application with debug symbols? If not, the debugger might not be able to see all arguments etc.

Sorry for replaying you so late, how to check whether i use debug symbol? I just know i built it in debug mode :frowning:

Yes, I do use debug symbol that comes from Microsoft symbol server.