Strange speed of tensor.sum()

Hello, all.
I meet a problem that speed of function tensor.sum() is strange when calculate the same kind of Tensor.
I want to calculate the confusion matrix of a foreground/background segmentation model, and below is my testing code:

import time
import torch

def func(pr, gt):
    dump = 0.0
    for gt_i in range(2):
        for pr_i in range(2):
            num = (gt == gt_i) * (pr == pr_i)
            start = time.time()
            dump += num.sum()
            print("Finding Time: {} {} {t:.4f}(s)".format(gt_i, pr_i, t=(time.time() - start)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    gt = torch.rand(1, 400, 400) > 0.5
    gt =

    print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test One >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
    prob1 = torch.rand(1, 2, 400, 400)
    _, pr1 = prob1.topk(1, 1, True, True)
    pr1 = torch.squeeze(pr1, 1)
    pr1 =
    print(type(pr1), pr1.size())
    func(gt, pr1)

    print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test Two >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
    prob2 = torch.rand(1, 2, 400, 400)
    prob2 = prob2.cuda()
    _, pr2 = prob2.topk(1, 1, True, True)
    pr2 = torch.squeeze(pr2, 1)
    pr2 =
    print(type(pr2), pr2.size())
    func(gt, pr2)

And the result is

The speed of tensor.sum() of (gt == 0) * (pr == 0) in Test Two is very strange. However input tensor type of Test One and Test Two is the same.

I can not find the reason… Is there some hidden property of Tensor that i missed? Anyone can give some help?


@apaszke I am seeking for help again… I would appreciate it if you can give some advice. THANKS!!!

You need to insert proper synchronization, because the GPU runs asynchronously (unless you e.g. launch a CPU <-> GPU copy). There should be a few posts on this forums that should how to do it (search for torch.cuda.synchronize()).

Namely for your test:

import time
import torch

def func(pr, gt):
    dump = 0.0
    for gt_i in range(2):
        for pr_i in range(2):
            num = (gt == gt_i) * (pr == pr_i)
            # Make sure you don't have anything still running
            start = time.time()
            dump += num.sum()
            # Make sure everything has been done
            print("Finding Time: {} {} {t:.4f}(s)".format(gt_i, pr_i, t=(time.time() - start)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    gt = torch.rand(1, 400, 400) > 0.5
    gt =

    print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test One >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
    prob1 = torch.rand(1, 2, 400, 400)
    _, pr1 = prob1.topk(1, 1, True, True)
    pr1 = torch.squeeze(pr1, 1)
    pr1 =
    print(type(pr1), pr1.size())
    func(gt, pr1)

    print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Test Two >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
    prob2 = torch.rand(1, 2, 400, 400)
    prob2 = prob2.cuda()
    _, pr2 = prob2.topk(1, 1, True, True)
    pr2 = torch.squeeze(pr2, 1)
    pr2 =
    print(type(pr2), pr2.size())
    func(gt, pr2)
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@apaszke @albanD That’s really the reason. Thank you very much!