Suggestion on improving accuracy and evaluation metrics on a deep learning model

Hi there! I am currently working on a skin cancer classification problem. The data consists of 9 target values and the model is trained with densenet for 20 epochs. The model file has been saved and the evaluation metrics are observed. But I want to have confidence on what I am seeing and proceed in creating a flask application and go straight to testing. The highest training accuracy is 97% and validation accuracy is 87%. Does that mean my model is evaluating well? This is the value counts of each label after sampling weights.

AK          8503
VASC        8496
unknown     8493
nevus       8450
melanoma    8410
DF          8400
SCC         8245
BCC         8208
BKL         7443

This is the best record of my model file.

best record: [epoch 11], [val loss 0.40036], [val acc 0.87697]

Here is the confusion matrix, the classification report


              precision    recall  f1-score   support

          AK       0.66      0.66      0.66       204
         BCC       0.79      0.91      0.85       700
         BKL       0.67      0.69      0.68       657
          DF       0.66      0.75      0.70        56
       nevus       0.68      0.73      0.70       126
        VASC       0.90      0.86      0.88        63
    melanoma       0.62      0.69      0.65      1067
         SCC       0.92      0.85      0.88      4497
     unknown       0.95      0.96      0.95      5425

    accuracy                           0.87     12795
   macro avg       0.76      0.79      0.77     12795
weighted avg       0.88      0.87      0.87     12795

Notice in the confusion matrix, the SCC label is incorrectly predicted as melanoma 291 times! This made me take a step back and question my model again as it was a little freaky.
I would really appreciate anyone who can give me a general observation on the model. This would help me make any changes for better results! Thanks a lot for the help.