Terminate backward pass at different depth for different loss functions

Suppose I have two networks A, B in sequence. Two different loss functions are applied on the resulting features, i.e. in forward pass I have:

y = A(x)
z = B(y)
loss1 = loss_func1(z)
loss2 = loss_func2(z)

loss1 only update network A, and loss2 update both network A and B.
I have optimizer for both A and B independently. Now what I do is:

(loss1 + loss2).backward()

But I think, when updating B, backward pass goes all the way back until the input x. Am I right?
What if I just want the backward to stop at y to save calculation time in case A is very complicated? Detach is not useful because in loss1 we still need the backward to go through A.


I think your approach is alright. A small improvement might be to switch the order of updating the models.
You could first call loss2.backward(retain_graph=True) and update B as you need this gradient in A a bit later. Then call loss1.backward() and update A.
Here is a small example:

modelA = nn.Linear(10, 10)
modelB = nn.Linear(10, 10)

x = torch.randn(1, 10)
target = torch.randn(1, 10)

criterionA = nn.MSELoss()
criterionB = nn.L1Loss()

optimizerA = optim.Adam(modelA.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
optimizerB = optim.Adam(modelB.parameters(), lr=1e-3)

y = modelA(x)
z = modelB(y)

lossA = criterionA(z, target)
lossB = criterionB(z, target)


# modelB Update

# Both models now have the gradient using lossB

# Update modelB (lossB grad)

# modelA Updata

# Now modelA has the accumulated gradients of lossA and lossB

# Update modelA (lossA + lossB)
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Thank you for your answer!

Just one quick question, why do you set the lossB backward to be (retain_graph=True)? Does this option save the gradient and the other gradient will accumulate on top of it?

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This option will retain the intermediate buffers, which are needed to calculate the gradient.
If you leave it as retain_graph=False, the gradient calculated using lossB will still be there, as you didn’t zeroed out the gradients (e.g. by optimizer.zero_grad()). However since the intermediate buffers are freed to save memory, the next backward call will throw an error:

RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time, but the buffers have already been freed. Specify retain_graph=True when calling backward the first time.

Setting retain_graph=True allows us to call backward on lossA, which will thereafter free the intermediate buffers, and accumulate the gradients.

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A follow up question:
In the same setting, what if loss1 only updates network A, and loss2 only updates network B, i.e.



Can we save calculation time by prevent back-propagation from loss2 through A?

Thank you for your time!

You could create a detached output of modelA and perform two forward passes in modelB.
I’m not sure, if you’ll gain any performance and I’m not sure if there is a better approach.

ya = modelA(x)
yb = ya.detach()
za = modelB(ya)
zb = modelB(yb)

lossA = criterionA(za, target)
lossB = criterionB(zb, target)
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@ptrblck can you please give me your input here:
what happens if i do this:

modelA = nn.Linear(10, 10)
modelB = nn.Linear(10, 10)

x = torch.randn(1, 10)
target = torch.randn(1, 10)

criterionA = nn.MSELoss()
criterionB = nn.L1Loss()

optimizerA = optim.Adam(modelA.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
optimizerB = optim.Adam(modelB.parameters(), lr=1e-3)

y = modelA(x)
z = modelB(y)

# There is no lossA
lossB = criterionB(z, target)


# modelB Update

# Update modelB (lossB grad)

# Can I update model A in this way?

I dont have lossA any more, but im doing optimizerB.step() and optimizerA.step(). can i updaqte modelA and modelB in this way?

Yes, both models will be updated, since lossB is calculated using both models.
To make sure it’s right, you could also have a look at the gradients after the backward call:


You’ll see that both models got valid gradients.
Also, retain_graph=True is not needed anymore, because you are not calling backward again.
The intermediate tensors might thus be freed.

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