The confict of multipy target box

The code is as follows


tbox[ bi,gj,gi,ai]=s_target[:,2:6]


it means that the anchor located in (bi,gj,gi,ai) in prediction layer is responsible for predicting one target box. In some case where the (bi,gj,gi, ai) of at least two target box are equal, how to process the conflict?
Does the next target box overlap the previous one and the previous one is ignored?

Your post is hard to read because of the way you have formatted the code. Could you enclose code between two lines, where each line has just three consecutive back-ticks on it? The back-tick is this character: ` . It may be on the same key as the tilde, ~ . It is not the same as the single quote (’) or the double quote ("). (You can just copy-paste the above back-tick, if you can’t find it on your keyboard.)

So the formatting will look like this:

line1 with just three back-ticks one after the other

your code goes here

line2 with just three back-ticks one after the other