torch.jit.Future type annotation

Is there any way to give a type hint to the output of torch.jit._wait?

The below example fails to compile to torchscript

import torch
from typing import List

def process(i: int) -> int:
    return i + 1

def process_many(l: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    futs: List[torch.jit.Future] = []
    out: List[int] = []

    for v in l:
        futs.append(torch.jit._fork(process, v))

    for f in futs:

    return out

with the error

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/jit/", line 1281, in script
    fn = torch._C._jit_script_compile(qualified_name, ast, _rcb, get_default_args(obj))
Unknown type name 'torch.jit.Future':
  File "./", line 10
def process_many(l: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    futs: List[torch.jit.Future] = []
               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--- HERE
    out: List[int] = []

However, if i change the for loop to a list comprehension, it compiles fine

def process_many(l: List[int]) -> List[int]:
    futs = [torch.jit._fork(process, v) for v in l]
    out: List[int] = []

    for f in futs:

    return out

# >>> print(process_many([0, 3, 5])
# [1, 4, 6]

What haven’t been able to figure out is if torch.jit.Future is the correct type annotation for me to be using here. For now, it seems possible to work around this just using a list comprehension, but it could get ugly if the logic becomes more complex.

I’m on 1.4.0, if it makes any difference

Our future support is really only half done (it’s still an internal API, hence the _ at the beginning of fork and wait) so I don’t think there’s a way to do this without the list comprehension you mentioned. Could you file a bug report here?

Thanks! just discovered that there seems to be a bug report out for this already

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