Torchvision.models of pytorch

I wonder which dataset is the pretrained model in pytorch? ILSVRC-2012? ILSVRC-2014? or others?

The pre-trained models were trained on ImageNet-12:
discussion in other thread

I wonder why the top-5 and top-1 error is significantly higher than the same model in caffe?

I wonder why the top-5 and top-1 error is significantly higher than the same model in caffe?

Which model do you have in mind?

For example, in, the top-5 of vgg-16 is 7.4%, but 9.62% and 8.5%(with bn) in pytorch.

I’m not sure, but I assume the site reports the multi-scale evaluation instead of the single-scale one.
You can see the different error rates in Table 3 and 4 in their paper.
Table 3 comes pretty close to the pre-trained models.

Thank you for your reply!