Triplet mining batch all

Hello everyone. Sorry if it is a stupid question.
I am trying to train a siamese network for speaker identification.
For this task I am trying to train a small CNN with triplet margin loss to generate embeddings to distinguish each speaker.

Before I try to use some hard triplet mining, I want to test a simple batch all triplet approach.
For this I must pass all triplets in my minibatch through the network, and average their losses by the number of non zero losses.

For this I have a doubt. There is any difference between this two segments of code?

loss = criterion(anchor_feats, pos_feats, neg_feats)
loss = loss[loss!=0].mean()            
loss = criterion(anchor_feats, pos_feats, neg_feats)
loss = loss.sum()/((loss!=0).sum())

Thank you very much.