Trouble achieving tensor transformation with pytorch ops

I’m having some trouble to make the following tensor transformation with pytorch ops rather than for loops. I want to transform x intro target_x. I’ve tried several combinations of and torch.transpose and I haven’t been able to do it. Am I missing some operation?

import torch

x = torch.tensor([
            [ 1,  2],
            [11, 12]
            [ 3,  4],
            [13, 14]
            [21, 22],
            [31, 32]
            [23, 24],
            [33, 34]

target_x = torch.tensor([
            [ 1,  2],
            [ 3,  4]
            [11, 12],
            [13, 14]
            [21, 22],
            [23, 24]
            [31, 32],
            [33, 34]


x.permute(0, 2, 1, 3)