I have a working setup using my custom c++ operator with torch.jit.script. I want to experiment with the newer torch.compile. I’m using pytorch==2.4.0
After seeing some errors with torch.compile, I’ve been following this guide to add FakeTensor support for my c++ operator. I’m getting this error that I don’t see reported clearly anywhere:
RuntimeError: register_fake(...): the operator my_namespace::my_operator already
has an implementation for this device type via a pre-existing registration to
DispatchKey::CompositeImplicitAutograd.CompositeImplicitAutograd operators do not
need an fake impl; instead, the operator will decompose into its constituents and those
can have fake impls defined on them.
How should I change my fake operator?
Here’s what my file structure looks like:
I will provide a simplified version of the files. Based on the error,
Here’s what file1.py looks like:
import torch
from . import file2
# torch.ops.import_module("file2") # <-- This import doesn't work for some reason
def helper(...) -> torch.
return torch.ops.my_namespace.my_operator(...)
Here’s what file2 looks like:
import torch
def fake_operator(...):
return torch.zeros(...)
Here’s what my custom c++ operator cpp file looks like:
// CUDA implementation for forward and backward
TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL(my_namespace, CUDA, m) {
m.impl("my_operator_forward", &my_operator_forward); // CUDA forward
m.impl("my_operator_backward", &my_operator_backward); // CUDA backward
// Don't define backward pass here since this is for non-autograd case, like inference
TORCH_LIBRARY(my_namespace, m) {
m.def("my_operator_forward", &my_operator_forward_no_autograd);
// Autograd implementation using the custom function
TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL(my_namespace, Autograd, m) {
m.impl("my_operator_forward", my_operator_autograd); // Wraps Autograd