TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

this is another issue happened when I have switched to torch 1.9 too. could you please tell me how to resolve it
the code

# reshape
        v_flat = _bchw2bhwc(v).contiguous().view(-1, channels)
        torch.index_select(v_flat, dim=0, index=self._i00.view(-1), out=self._v00)
        torch.index_select(v_flat, dim=0, index=self._i01.view(-1), out=self._v01)
        torch.index_select(v_flat, dim=0, index=self._i10.view(-1), out=self._v10)
        torch.index_select(v_flat, dim=0, index=self._i11.view(-1), out=self._v11)

the warning

UserWarning: An output with one or more elements was resized since it had shape [638976, 2], which does not match the required output shape [1277952, 2].This behavior is deprecated, and in a future PyTorch release outputs will not be resized unless they have zero elements. You can explicitly reuse an out tensor t by resizing it, inplace, to zero elements with t.resize_(0). (Triggered internally at  /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1623448265233/work/aten/src/ATen/native/Resize.cpp:23.)
  torch.index_select(v_flat, dim=0, index=self._i00.view(-1), out=self._v00)