Updated to PyTorch 2.0 BUT

So earlier today, I got tired of my User.bat telling me I was running Torch 1.13+cu117 and that I should update to 2.0. So I did.

Only, I just ran my user.bat and its still telling me I’m running 1.13+cu117.
When I updated Torch, it said something about uninstalling the previous version, or maybe I hallucinated that, but regardless, any and all help with this conundrum would be greatly appreciated because I can’t find anything on this and reddit has been less than helpful.

It seems you’re on Windows, so I cannot truly help.

But incidentally I’ve updated to 2.0 yesterday, and during the update using pip it definitely said it removed the previous version. So this part I can confirm :).

What’s the output of

import torch


Someone reached out to me on Discord and helped me manually update it so I am now all good!

Am now running Torch 2.0

A possibility:
You were in the directory where you start the app.
But you hadn’t set the venv so the install went to the system level location.
Then you started the app which might source venv/bin/activate to use the local venv.
But that isn’t where you installed Torch 2.0.