Updating 2 models with shared loss

Hi m!

It’s not entirely clear to me what you want to do here.

I assume that you want to optimize the parameters of model1 so as to
minimize loss1, thus, in part, minimizing shared_loss, and optimize
the parameters of model2 so as to minimize loss2, which includes
-shared_loss, therefore implying maximizing shared_loss.

That is, leaving aside loss_fn1 and loss_fn2 as they don’t change
the basic issue, my understanding is that you want model1 to minimize
shared_loss while model2 maximizes shared_loss.

If so, the cleanest approach will be to use a single backward pass and
a single optimizer, but to flip the gradient of shared_loss when you
backpropagate through model2. So something like:

opt = torch.optim.SGD (list (model1.parameters()) + list (model2.parameters()), lr = learning_rate)
m1 = model1 (x)
m2 = model2 (x)
loss = shared_loss (m1, GradientReversalFunction.apply (m2))

Here GradientReversalFunction is a custom autograd function that passes
the value of m2 through unchanged during the forward pass, but changes
the sign of the gradient of m2 during the backward pass.

This thread discusses a couple of ways to effect such a gradient reversal:


K. Frank