Use linear.weight or

Here is my problem, I have a linear layer.

  1. Everytime I forward, I want to make the linear weight multiply a mask.
linear = nn.Linear(10, 10) ## for example

Now during forward

   def forward(inputs):
       ## which way below is the correct way to use? mask is with all 0 and 1 values/
        self.linear.weight = self.linear.weight * torch.from_numpy(self.mask) * torch.from_numpy(self.mask)

     ### In the following code, I will use the updated linear layer to do something and 
     ### want the model to check gradient

You want to do:

with torch.no_grad():
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actually you want

weight = self.linear.weight * torch.from_numpy(self.mask)
output = F.linear(input, weight, ...)