UserWarning: Argument fill/fillcolor is not supported for Tensor input

I got this user warning when I tried to implement the augmentation for my data, has anyone met this problem?

UserWarning: Argument fill/fillcolor is not supported for Tensor input. Fill value is zero
warnings.warn(“Argument fill/fillcolor is not supported for Tensor input. Fill value is zero”)

Can you post a minimal reproducible example for this error?

check out this

You’re probably using torchvision v0.8.2 or older. This issue was fixed 5 months ago in the PR #2904. If you are not using v0.9.0 or newer, you won’t be able to use fill in a Tensor input :frowning:
So, the only solution is to upgrade your torchvision.

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sorry guys I already fixed it, just update the pytorch and torchvision:)

Just update the pytroch to latest version and problems solved:) haha