VGG 16 not training on cat dog dataset


I am trying to train VGG 16 on the cat dog dataset. The colab link is shared. When I’m done with the training, I get the following, which doesn’t make sense since the loss is reducing but the accuracy isn’t increasing much., Can someone suggest what should I do?

Device cuda..Epoch 1/10.. Step 5.. Train loss: 0.083.. Test loss: 0.050.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.018
Device cuda..Epoch 1/10.. Step 10.. Train loss: 0.067.. Test loss: 0.041.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.017
Device cuda..Epoch 1/10.. Step 15.. Train loss: 0.060.. Test loss: 0.048.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.016
Device cuda..Epoch 1/10.. Step 20.. Train loss: 0.065.. Test loss: 0.042.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.013
Device cuda..Epoch 1/10.. Step 25.. Train loss: 0.053.. Test loss: 0.057.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.017
Device cuda..Epoch 1/10.. Step 30.. Train loss: 0.055.. Test loss: 0.043.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.016
 10%|█         | 1/10 [00:28<04:15, 28.36s/it]Device cuda..Epoch 2/10.. Step 35.. Train loss: 0.039.. Test loss: 0.057.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.016
Device cuda..Epoch 2/10.. Step 40.. Train loss: 0.058.. Test loss: 0.075.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.015
Device cuda..Epoch 2/10.. Step 45.. Train loss: 0.098.. Test loss: 0.046.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.015
Device cuda..Epoch 2/10.. Step 50.. Train loss: 0.084.. Test loss: 0.050.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.017
Device cuda..Epoch 2/10.. Step 55.. Train loss: 0.049.. Test loss: 0.056.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.013
Device cuda..Epoch 2/10.. Step 60.. Train loss: 0.087.. Test loss: 0.044.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.014
 20%|██        | 2/10 [00:56<03:47, 28.42s/it]Device cuda..Epoch 3/10.. Step 65.. Train loss: 0.138.. Test loss: 0.046.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.017
Device cuda..Epoch 3/10.. Step 70.. Train loss: 0.101.. Test loss: 0.059.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.016
Device cuda..Epoch 3/10.. Step 75.. Train loss: 0.049.. Test loss: 0.052.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.013
Device cuda..Epoch 3/10.. Step 80.. Train loss: 0.061.. Test loss: 0.046.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.013
Device cuda..Epoch 3/10.. Step 85.. Train loss: 0.047.. Test loss: 0.045.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.013
Device cuda..Epoch 3/10.. Step 90.. Train loss: 0.064.. Test loss: 0.044.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.017
 30%|███       | 3/10 [01:28<03:30, 30.03s/it]Device cuda..Epoch 3/10.. Step 95.. Train loss: 0.059.. Test loss: 0.046.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.016
Device cuda..Epoch 4/10.. Step 100.. Train loss: 0.054.. Test loss: 0.045.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.016
Device cuda..Epoch 4/10.. Step 105.. Train loss: 0.063.. Test loss: 0.098.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.016
Device cuda..Epoch 4/10.. Step 110.. Train loss: 0.063.. Test loss: 0.057.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.016
Device cuda..Epoch 4/10.. Step 115.. Train loss: 0.079.. Test loss: 0.048.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.017
Device cuda..Epoch 4/10.. Step 120.. Train loss: 0.050.. Test loss: 0.102.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.016
Device cuda..Epoch 4/10.. Step 125.. Train loss: 0.109.. Test loss: 0.054.. Test accuracy: 0.488.. Train accuracy: 0.015

Am I calculating the accuracy wrong or there’s some issue with the training process?