What is NotImplementedError?

class MODEL(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, attention_heads=4, attention_size=32, out_size=4):
        super(MODEL, self).__init__()
        self.conv1a = nn.Conv2d(kernel_size=(10, 2), in_channels=1, out_channels=16, padding=(4, 0))
        self.conv1b = nn.Conv2d(kernel_size=(2,8), in_channels=1, out_channels=16, padding=(0, 3))
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(kernel_size=(3,3), in_channels=32, out_channels=32, padding=(1,1))
        self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(kernel_size=(3,3), in_channels=32, out_channels=48, padding=(1,1))
        self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(kernel_size=(3,3), in_channels=48, out_channels=64, padding=(1,1))
        self.conv5 = nn.Conv2d(kernel_size=(3,3), in_channels=64, out_channels=80, padding=(1,1))
        self.maxp = nn.MaxPool2d((2, 2))
        self.bn1a = nn.BatchNorm2d(3)
        self.bn1b = nn.BatchNorm2d(3)
        self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(3)
        self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(3)
        self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(3)
        self.bn5 = nn.BatchNorm2d(3)
        self.gap = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)#(data_format='channels_last')
        self.flatten = nn.Flatten()
        self.fc = nn.Linear(10000,out_size)
        self.attention_query = []
        self.attention_key = []
        self.attention_value = []
        self.attention_heads = attention_heads
        self.attention_size = attention_size
        for i in range(self.attention_heads):

    def call(self, *input):
        x = input[0]
        xa = self.conv1a(x)
        xa = self.bn1a(xa)
        xb = self.conv1b(x)
        xb = self.bn1b(xb)
        xb = nn.relu(xb)
        x = nn.concat([xa, xb], 1)
        x = self.conv2(x)
        x = self.bn2(x)
        x = self.maxp(x)
        x = self.conv3(x)
        x = self.bn3(x)
        x = nn.relu(x)
        x = self.maxp(x)
        x = self.conv4(x)
        x = self.bn4(x)
        x = nn.relu(x)
        x = self.conv5(x)
        x = self.bn5(x)
        x = nn.relu(x)

        attn = None
        for i in range(self.attention_heads):
            # Q = self.attention_query[i](x)
            # Q = tf.transpose(Q, perm=[0, 3, 1, 2])
            # K = self.attention_key[i](x)
            # K = tf.transpose(K, perm=[0, 3, 2, 1])
            # V = self.attention_value[i](x)
            # V = tf.transpose(V, perm=[0, 3, 1, 2])
            # attention = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(Q, K))
            # attention = tf.matmul(attention, V)
            Q = self.attention_query[i](x)
            K = self.attention_key[i](x)
            V = self.attention_value[i](x)
            attention = nn.Softmax(torch.matmul(Q, K),dim=1)
            attention = torch.matmul(attention, V)
            if (attn is None):
                attn = attention
                attn = nn.concat([attn, attention], 2)
        x = torch. transpose(attn, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
        x = nn.relu(x)
        x = self.gap(x)
        x = self.flatten(x)
        x = self.fc(x)
        return x

raise NotImplementedError
I am not getting this error , my input is a 2d structure of size (23,63)

I guess this error is raised during the forward pass, since the forward method definition is missing, so you would have to change call to forward.

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@ptrblck Sir did that. But for input


I am now getting an error at line

attention = nn.Softmax(torch.matmul(Q, K),dim=1)

The error is :

RuntimeError: Expected batch2_sizes[0] == bs && batch2_sizes[1] == contraction_size to be true, but got false. (Could this error message be improved? If so, please report an enhancement request to PyTorch.)

Plz guide

This error is raised in the torch.matmul call, which gets tensors in a wrong shape.
Print the shape of both input tensors and make sure they have the expected shapes.

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Sir the shapes are

Q=torch.Size([32, 32, 5, 15])
K=torch.Size([32, 32, 5, 15])

and yes this size is inappropriate for matrix mul. I dont know what to do now.

You are confusing the shapes with the values in a tensor.
The first example won’t work, as the shapes are invalid for a matrix multipliciation:

A = torch.randn([32, 32, 5, 15])
B = torch.randn([32, 32, 5, 15])

C = torch.matmul(A, B)
> RuntimeError: Expected batch2_sizes[0] == bs && batch2_sizes[1] == contraction_size to be true, but got false.

So you would have to permute one of the tensors depending on the expected output shape:

C = torch.matmul(A.permute(0, 1, 3, 2), B)
> torch.Size([32, 32, 15, 15])

# or
C = torch.matmul(A, B.permute(0, 1, 3, 2))
> torch.Size([32, 32, 5, 5])

Your second example was using just 4 values and is thus returning a scalar.

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Yes sir I got it, but now plz guide how to multiply this softmax output with another matrix, it says it’s not possible. But this is ky definition of attention module @ptrblck sir.

As now I am getting this error:
TypeError: matmul(): argument ‘input’ (position 1) must be Tensor, not Softmax

At line:
attention = torch.matmul(attention, V.permute(0, 1, 3, 2))

This is for second matmul() method

That was my mistake , it should be F.softmax().