What is the proper way to write a multi headed model in C++?

This model has

What is the proper way to write a multi headed model in C++?

Does the code below suffice or do I need to some some special module inside the torch::nn library?

std::tuple<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor> Critic_Net : torch::nn::Module {
    torch::Tensor next_state_batch__sampled_action;
    // This network returns just one value
    Critic_Net() {
        // Construct and register two Linear submodules.
        lin1 = register_module("lin1", torch::nn::Linear(427, 42));
        lin2 = register_module("lin2", torch::nn::Linear(42, 286));
        head_1 = register_module("head_1", torch::nn::Linear(286, 1));        
        head_2 = register_module("head_2", torch::nn::Linear(286, 1));
    torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor next_state_batch__sampled_action) {
        auto h = next_state_batch__sampled_action;
        h = torch::relu(lin1->forward(h));
        h = torch::tanh(lin2->forward(h));
        h1 = head_1->forward(h);
        h2 = head_2->forward(h);
        return {h1, h2};
    torch::nn::Linear lin1{nullptr}, lin2{nullptr}, head_1{nullptr}, head_2{nullptr};