Why my model params don't change by back propagation?

I tried to made a single waveshaper node referred from this work, in which input is transformed by value table lookup and interpolation:

import torch

class SampledWaveshaper(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, table_min: float, table_max: float, table_size: int):
        self.table_min = table_min
        self.table_max = table_max
        self.table_size = table_size
        self.lookup_table = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.linspace(table_min, table_max, table_size, requires_grad=True))

    def forward(self, x):
        fidx = self.table_size * (x - self.table_min) / (self.table_max - self.table_min)
        ilow = torch.floor(fidx).long()
        ilow[ilow < 0] = 0
        ilow[ilow >= self.table_size] = self.table_size-1

        ihigh = torch.ceil(fidx).long()
        ihigh[ihigh < 0] = 0
        ihigh[ihigh >= self.table_size] = self.table_size-1
        val1 = torch.stack([self.lookup_table[i] for i in ilow])
        val2 = torch.stack([self.lookup_table[i] for i in ihigh])

        r = fidx - ilow
        result = val1 + (val2-val1) * r
        return result

And very simple training code:

# do training
# do training
cri = torch.nn.MSELoss()
opt = torch.optim.SGD(shaper.parameters(), lr=1e-6)

input = torch.zeros(args.batch_sz)
refout = torch.zeros(args.batch_sz)

for iter in range(args.n_iter):
    # assemble input and reference output
    for i in range(args.batch_sz):
        while True:
            i_data = random.randrange(len(all_data))
            curr_in = float(all_data[i_data][0])
            if shaper.table_min <= curr_in and curr_in <= shaper.table_max:
                input[i] = curr_in
                refout[i] = float(all_data[i_data][1])
    output = shaper.forward(input)
    loss = cri(output, refout)

It seems input, output and refout all looks good, but the lookup_table in model is not changed at all.

Hi Xi!

Your SampledWaveshaper model works for me when I give it some
simple input data.

Note, the learning rate (lr=1e-6) that you pass to the SGD optimizer
is quite small. Is it possible that what would have been changes to
shaper.lookup_table are underflowing to zero because of the small
learning rate (or maybe are just small enough that you don’t notice

Here is a simple test script that shows sensible gradients and non-zero
changes to shaper.lookup_table after calling opt.step():

>>> import torch
>>> print (torch.__version__)
>>> class SampledWaveshaper(torch.nn.Module):
...     def __init__(self, table_min: float, table_max: float, table_size: int):
...         super().__init__()
...         self.table_min = table_min
...         self.table_max = table_max
...         self.table_size = table_size
...         self.lookup_table = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.linspace(table_min, table_max, table_size, requires_grad=True))
...     def forward(self, x):
...         fidx = self.table_size * (x - self.table_min) / (self.table_max - self.table_min)
...         ilow = torch.floor(fidx).long()
...         ilow[ilow < 0] = 0
...         ilow[ilow >= self.table_size] = self.table_size-1
...         ihigh = torch.ceil(fidx).long()
...         ihigh[ihigh < 0] = 0
...         ihigh[ihigh >= self.table_size] = self.table_size-1
...         val1 = torch.stack([self.lookup_table[i] for i in ilow])
...         val2 = torch.stack([self.lookup_table[i] for i in ihigh])
...         r = fidx - ilow
...         result = val1 + (val2-val1) * r
...         return result
>>> shaper = SampledWaveshaper (1.0, 5.0, 5)
>>> opt = torch.optim.SGD(shaper.parameters(), lr=1e-6)   # this learning rate is small
>>> input = 3 * torch.ones (3)
>>> refout = 3 * torch.ones (3)
>>> output = shaper.forward (input)   # shaper (input) is more standard
>>> opt.zero_grad()
>>> torch.nn.MSELoss() (output, refout).backward()
>>> shaper.lookup_table.grad   # grad is reasonable and of order one
tensor([0.0000, 0.0000, 0.5000, 0.5000, 0.0000])
>>> param_before = shaper.lookup_table.clone().detach()
>>> opt.step()
>>> param_after = shaper.lookup_table.clone().detach()
>>> param_after - param_before   # difference is close to float precision due to small lr
tensor([ 0.0000e+00,  0.0000e+00, -4.7684e-07, -4.7684e-07,  0.0000e+00])

If you are unable to resolve your issue, please post a minimal, simplified,
runnable script that illustrates your issue together with the output that it


K. Frank

Hi KFrank! Thanks for your suggestion. I’ve almost forgot that 1e-6 is very near to the precision limit of 32-bit float.