Why torch.nn.CosineSimilarity() gives different results for half and full tensor?

import torch

x = torch.randn(10,2048).cuda()
y = torch.randn(10,2048).cuda()


x= x.half()
y =y.half()

print(torch.diagonal(x @ y.T).mean())

x = torch.nn.functional.normalize(x)
y = torch.nn.functional.normalize(y)

print(torch.diagonal(x @ y.T).mean())


tensor(-0.0104, device=‘cuda:0’)
tensor(0., device=‘cuda:0’, dtype=torch.float16)
tensor(-20.9531, device=‘cuda:0’, dtype=torch.float16)
tensor(-0.0104, device=‘cuda:0’, dtype=torch.float16)
tensor(-0.0104, device=‘cuda:0’, dtype=torch.float16)

Normalizing the vectors give same result but that is not the expected behavior. There should not be any difference whether the vector is normalized or not normalized.

Is this a bug?

nn.CosineSimilarity casts to float32 using the mixed-precision utility via torch.cuda.amp.autocast as given here so I assume the limited numerical precision of float16 creates the large error. Since you are manually calling half() on the data float16 will be used and ill thus create the mismatch.

How can a switch to different data type create such a large error? It is just a simple dot product. If this kind of dot product can create such a large error with fp16, then it will should not be possible to train a neural network using fp16.

Doesn’t this indicate that there is something buggy here?

float16 has a lower numerical range than float32 and can thus easily over-/underflow.
Have a look at Half-precision floating-point format - Wikipedia to check the specifics and in particular:

They can express values in the range ±65,504, with the minimum value above 1 being 1 + 1/1024.

Which can easily overflow as seen if you manually apply cosine_similarity taken from here:

def manual(x1_, x2_, dim, eps):
    # manual approach
    w12 = torch.sum(x1_ * x2_, dim)
    w1 = torch.sum(x1_ * x1_, dim)
    w2 = torch.sum(x2_ * x2_, dim)
    out = (w1 * w2)
    out = out.clamp_min_(eps * eps)
    out = out.sqrt()
    n12 = out

x = torch.randn(10,2048).cuda()
y = torch.randn(10,2048).cuda()
dim = 1
x1_ = x
x2_ = y
eps = 1e-8
manual(x1_, x2_, dim, eps)
manual(x1_.half(), x2_.half(), dim, eps)

You will see that the first call to manual using float32 and nn.CosineSimilarity gives the same results, but are also using intermediate values outside of the valid float16 range:

tensor([  4.2845, -32.5558,   4.3298,   7.5555,  24.1382,  65.0509, -11.0637,
         80.8742,  -4.0695, -48.8819], device='cuda:0')
tensor([1968.8096, 2079.9971, 1968.8093, 2038.1968, 2118.2397, 2037.6740,
        2009.8625, 2059.7161, 1933.5315, 2092.7104], device='cuda:0')
tensor([2048.4983, 2051.1265, 2075.0337, 1997.3761, 2019.7664, 1949.5663,
        1937.5840, 2021.9969, 2035.3262, 2116.4380], device='cuda:0')
tensor([4033103.0000, 4266337.0000, 4085345.7500, 4071045.5000, 4278349.5000,
        3972580.5000, 3894277.5000, 4164739.5000, 3935367.2500, 4429092.0000],
tensor([4033103.0000, 4266337.0000, 4085345.7500, 4071045.5000, 4278349.5000,
        3972580.5000, 3894277.5000, 4164739.5000, 3935367.2500, 4429092.0000],
tensor([2008.2587, 2065.5112, 2021.2239, 2017.6832, 2068.4172, 1993.1333,
        1973.3923, 2040.7693, 1983.7760, 2104.5408], device='cuda:0')
tensor(0.0045, device='cuda:0')
tensor(0.0045, device='cuda:0')

In float16 you would thus get invalid results:

tensor([  4.2695, -32.5625,   4.3398,   7.5586,  24.1406,  65.0625, -11.0469,
         80.8750,  -4.0586, -48.9062], device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float16)
tensor([1969., 2080., 1969., 2038., 2118., 2038., 2010., 2060., 1934., 2092.],
       device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float16)
tensor([2048., 2052., 2076., 1997., 2020., 1950., 1938., 2022., 2035., 2116.],
       device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float16)
tensor([inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf], device='cuda:0',
tensor([inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf], device='cuda:0',
tensor([inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf, inf], device='cuda:0',
tensor(0., device='cuda:0', dtype=torch.float16)

No, I disagree as torch.cuda.amp.autocast is used exactly for this reason: operations prone to overflows or general numerical instability are kept in float32, while other operations are allowed to use float16 (inputs and outputs) while the computation itself is often still done in float32.
Since you are manually using half() on your data without depending on autocast, you would need to check the used operations and see if you might be running into numerical issues.

However, I agree that training models directly in float16 is definitely not straightforward and might not work.