3D Point Cloud - Tensorboard - Changing Point Size


My original post was about me trying to get Tensorboard point clouds set up, but I realized once I programatically set the camera that the points were visible, just very small.

As a natural follow up haha, I was wondering how it could be possible to make the points on the point cloud larger? I saw the config has camera, light and material options that reference ThreeJS classes but I wasn’t sure which class is control the point size.

I tried making changes to the material keyword using:

point_size_config = {
  'cls': 'PointsMaterial',
  'size': 10

tensorboard.add_mesh('my_mesh_larger_point', vertices=vertices_tensor, 
                     config_dict={"material": point_size_config})

I also tried several other classes but didn’t have any success either. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to address this?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

It’s a bit late, but this works for me as expected:

point_size_config = {
    'material': {
        'cls': 'PointsMaterial',
        'size': 0.03