A minimal stateless vectorized gridworld

Contributing as an example of how to create a stateless gridworld environment in torchRL


The yellow tile is the agent (player), the green tiles are rewards being picked up by the agent, the red tiles are negative rewards that return done, and the white tiles are walls.

Observation space is N, 3, 64, 64 and the Actions space is N, 4 (Discrete)

The entire environment is vectorized and can run as many gridworlds as you can fit in memory.

The environment is also stateless, so theoretically, you could tree search itā€¦ but Iā€™ve not implemented or tested anything like that.

You can change the gridworld layout by editing the gen_params function, I think you will find it fairly intuitive :slight_smile:

Oh, and make sure the outside of the gridworld is always walls, or the agent will go out of bounds and an exception will be thrown.

from typing import Optional

import torch
from torch import tensor
from tensordict import TensorDict
from torchrl.data import CompositeSpec, BoundedTensorSpec, UnboundedContinuousTensorSpec, UnboundedDiscreteTensorSpec, DiscreteTensorSpec, \
from torchrl.envs import (
from torchrl.envs.utils import check_env_specs, step_mdp
from torchrl.envs.transforms.transforms import _apply_to_composite
from torch.nn.functional import interpolate
from torchvision.utils import make_grid
from math import prod

A minimal stateless vectorized gridworld in pytorch rl
Action space: (0, 1, 2, 3) -> N, E, S, W


1 time pickup rewards or penalties
done tiles
outputs a fully observable RGB image 

look at the gen_params function to setup the world

example of configuring and performing a rollout at bottom

Maybe I will write an even simpler stateless non-vectorized version of this gridworld

# N/S is reversed as y-axis in images is reversed
action_vec = [
    tensor([0, -1]),  # N
    tensor([1, 0]),  # E
    tensor([0, 1]),  # S
    tensor([-1, 0])  # W
action_vec = torch.stack(action_vec)

yellow = tensor([255, 255, 0], dtype=torch.uint8)
red = tensor([255, 0, 0], dtype=torch.uint8)
green = tensor([0, 255, 0], dtype=torch.uint8)
pink = tensor([255, 0, 255], dtype=torch.uint8)
violet = tensor([226, 43, 138], dtype=torch.uint8)
white = tensor([255, 255, 255], dtype=torch.uint8)

def _step(state):

    # make our life easier by creating a view with a single leading dim
    state_flat = state.view(prod(state.shape))
    batch_range = torch.arange(state_flat.size(0), device=state.device)

    # move player position checking for collisions
    direction = action_vec.to(state.device)
    next_player_pos = state_flat['player_pos'] + direction[state_flat['action'][:, 0]].to(state.device)
    next_player_grid = torch.zeros_like(state_flat['wall_tiles'], dtype=torch.bool, device=state.device)
    next_player_grid[batch_range, next_player_pos[:, 0], next_player_pos[:, 1]] = True
    collide_wall = torch.logical_and(next_player_grid, state_flat['wall_tiles'] == 1).any(-1).any(-1)
    player_pos = torch.where(collide_wall[..., None], state_flat['player_pos'], next_player_pos)
    player_pos_mask = torch.zeros_like(state_flat['wall_tiles'], dtype=torch.bool, device=state.device)
    player_pos_mask[batch_range, player_pos[:, 0], player_pos[:, 1]] = True

    player_pos = player_pos.reshape(state['player_pos'].shape)
    player_pos_mask = player_pos_mask.reshape(state['wall_tiles'].shape)

    # pickup any rewards
    reward = state['reward_tiles'][player_pos_mask]
    state['reward_tiles'][player_pos_mask] = 0.

    # set done flag if hit done tile
    done = state['done_tiles'][player_pos_mask]

    next = {
        'player_pos': player_pos,
        'wall_tiles': state['wall_tiles'],
        'reward_tiles': state['reward_tiles'],
        'done_tiles': state['done_tiles'],
        'reward': reward,
        'done': done
    return TensorDict({'next': next}, state.shape)

def _reset(self, state=None):
    batch_size = state.shape if state is not None else self.batch_size
    if state is None or state.is_empty():
        state = self.gen_params(batch_size)
    if '_reset' in state.keys():
        reset_state = self.gen_params(batch_size).to(state.device)
        state = state.clone()
        for key in reset_state.keys():
            state[key][state['_reset'].squeeze(-1)] = reset_state[key][state['_reset'].squeeze(-1)]
        state['done'][state['_reset'].squeeze(-1)] = False
        state['reward'][state['_reset'].squeeze(-1)] = 0.
    return state

def gen_params(batch_size=None):
    walls = tensor([
        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
        [1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
        [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
    ], dtype=torch.uint8)

    rewards = tensor([
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 1, -1, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, -1, 1, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    ], dtype=torch.float32)

    dones = tensor([
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    ], dtype=torch.bool)

    player_pos = tensor([2, 2], dtype=torch.int64)

    observation = {
            "player_pos": player_pos,
            "wall_tiles": walls,
            "reward_tiles": rewards,
            "done_tiles": dones

    td = TensorDict(observation, batch_size=[])

    if batch_size:
        td = td.expand(batch_size).contiguous()
    return td

def _make_spec(self, td_params):
    batch_size = td_params.shape
    self.observation_spec = CompositeSpec(
            shape=torch.Size((*batch_size, 5, 5)),
            shape=torch.Size((*batch_size, 5, 5)),
            shape=torch.Size((*batch_size, 5, 5)),
            shape=torch.Size((*batch_size, 2,)),
    self.input_spec = self.observation_spec.clone()
    self.action_spec = DiscreteTensorSpec(4, shape=torch.Size((*batch_size, 1)))
    self.reward_spec = UnboundedContinuousTensorSpec(shape=torch.Size((*batch_size, 1)))

def _set_seed(self, seed: Optional[int]):
    rng = torch.manual_seed(seed)
    self.rng = rng

class Gridworld(EnvBase):
    metadata = {
        "render_modes": ["human", ""],
        "render_fps": 30
    batch_locked = False

    def __init__(self, td_params=None, device="cpu", batch_size=None):
        if td_params is None:
            td_params = self.gen_params(batch_size)
        super().__init__(device=device, batch_size=batch_size)
        self.shape = batch_size

    gen_params = staticmethod(gen_params)
    _make_spec = _make_spec
    _reset = _reset
    _step = staticmethod(_step)
    _set_seed = _set_seed

class RGBFullObsTransform(Transform):

    def forward(self, tensordict):
        return self._call(tensordict)

    def _call(self, td):

        td_flat = td.view(prod(td.batch_size))
        batch_range = torch.arange(td_flat.size(0), device=td.device)

        player_pos = td_flat['player_pos']
        walls = td_flat['wall_tiles']
        rewards = td_flat['reward_tiles']

        grid = TensorDict({'image': torch.zeros(*walls.shape, 3, dtype=torch.uint8)}, batch_size=td_flat.batch_size)
        x, y = player_pos[:, 0], player_pos[:, 1]

        grid['image'][walls == 1] = white
        grid['image'][rewards > 0] = green
        grid['image'][rewards < 0] = red
        grid['image'][batch_range, x, y, :] = yellow
        grid['image'] = grid['image'].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        td['observation'] = interpolate(grid['image'], size=[64, 64]).squeeze(0)
        return td

    def transform_observation_spec(self, observation_spec):
        return BoundedTensorSpec(
            shape=torch.Size((*self.parent.batch_size, 3, 64, 64)),

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.animation as animation

    env = Gridworld(batch_size=torch.Size([64]), device='cuda')

    env = TransformedEnv(
        RGBFullObsTransform(in_keys=['player_pos', 'wall_tiles'], out_keys=['observation'])


    data = env.rollout(max_steps=100, policy=env.rand_action, break_when_any_done=False)
    data = data.cpu()

    The data dict layout is transitions
    {(S, A), next: {R_next, S_next, A_next}}
      { state_t0, reward_t0, done_t0, action_t0 next: { state_t2, reward_t2:1.0, done_t2:False } },
      { state_t1, reward_t1, done_t1, action_t1 next: { state_t3, reward_t2:-1.0, done_t3:True } }  
      { state_t0, reward_t0, done_t0, action_t0 next: { state_t3, reward_t2:1.0, done_t3:False } }

    But which R to use, R or next: R?
    recall: Q(S, A) = R + Q(S_next, A_next)
    Observe that reward_t0 is always zero, reward is a consequence for taking an action in a state, therefore...
    reward = data['next']['reward'][timestep]
    Which done to use?
    Recall that the value of a state is the expectation of future reward.
    Thus the terminal state has no value, therefore...
    Q(S, A) = R_next + Q(S_next, A_next) * done_next
    done =  data['next']['done'][timestep]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    img_plt = ax.imshow(make_grid(data[:, 0]['observation']).permute(1, 2, 0))

    def animate(i):
        global text_plt
        x = make_grid(data[:, i]['observation']).permute(1, 2, 0)

    myAnimation = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=20, interval=1, blit=False, repeat=False)

    FFwriter = animation.FFMpegWriter(fps=1)
    myAnimation.save('animation.mp4', writer=FFwriter)

Awesome stuff! We should move this to the examples, do you want to make a PR?
I canā€™t see the image

Sure Vincent. Before I do, one question though.

I coudnā€™t figure the correct or optimal way to auto-reset this environment.

Ideally I would like to run many gridworlds in batch, and at each step, reset the the ones that are done, leaving the rest running.

However I wasnā€™t sure if that was even possible in vanilla torchRL. When I looked at the SyncCollector code, it seems to reset the entire environment.

So Iā€™m thinking I need to eitherā€¦

  1. Wrap the environment in something.
  2. Implement an auto-reset in the step function.
  3. Re-write the environment so it only takes an empty batch dimension, and run each instance in a itā€™s own thread.
  4. Write a custom collector.
  5. Do something elseā€¦

Can you point me in the right direction?

The way that works is that we have a ā€œ_resetā€ key that has the same shape (and usually content) as ā€œdoneā€.
Envs such as parallelenv and serialenv respond to that by resetting only the envs that have a ā€œ_resetā€ entry set to True.
SyncDataCollector checks that here

The env rollout does the same:

Would that solve the problem?

Hope that helps!

1 Like

Thanks Vincent, Iā€™ll check it out.

Ok, I got it working with env.rollout()

However I donā€™t think SyncDataCollector will work with stateless environments.

If you look closely,

 td_reset = self._tensordict.select().set("_reset", _reset)

will return only a tensordict with a single entry, namely [ā€˜_resetā€™]

Unless Iā€™m mistaken, a stateless environment will require a full set of states, in addition to the reset flags. As it holds no state of itā€™s own to update.

env.rollout does exactly that, so it works OK.

Not exactly because the tensordict returned is not the result of reset but another one updated with reset.
However it breaks if the env does not have a batch size, this should solve it