A module produces different gradient for same input?

Hi, I am new to Pytorch (transferred from Torch), and I am really confused about this example. Basically a module produces different gradient for the same input. Any idea why is it happening? Thanks a lot in advance.

modL = torch.nn.Linear(2,1).cuda()
a = torch.rand(3,2).cuda()

x = Variable(a)
y = modL(x)
z = y.sum()

Variable containing:
 3.2878  7.0024
[torch.cuda.FloatTensor of size 1x2 (GPU 0)]

# repeat without updating the weight

x = Variable(a)
y = modL(x)
z = y.sum()

Variable containing:
 4.5920  8.7185
[torch.cuda.FloatTensor of size 1x2 (GPU 0)]

gradients are accumulated. So in the repeat case, what you are seeing is gradient of first call + gradient of second call.

before the line # repeat without updating the weight, insert this call:

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