A3C problem with PyTorch versiona >=2.0.0

I’m developing an A3C algorithm relying on torch.multiprocessing on PongNoFrameSkip-v4. The algorithm works well on PyTorch versions <=1.13.1, however when moving the code in PyTorch versions >=2.0.0. the algorithm gets stuck and does not improve anymore, even after a long time.
The model used is:

class ActorCritic(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,input_shape, layer1, kernel_size1, stride1, layer2, kernel_size2, stride2, fc1_dim, lstm_dim, out_actor_dim, out_critic_dim):
        super(ActorCritic, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=input_shape, out_channels=layer1, kernel_size=kernel_size1, stride=stride1)
        self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=layer1, out_channels=layer2, kernel_size=kernel_size2, stride=stride2)
        self.relu = torch.nn.ReLU()
        self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=32*9*9, out_features=fc1_dim)
        self.out_actor = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=lstm_dim, out_features=out_actor_dim)
        self.out_critic = torch.nn.Linear(in_features=lstm_dim, out_features=out_critic_dim)
        #lstm cell
        self.lstm_cell = torch.nn.LSTMCell(fc1_dim, lstm_dim)
        for layer in self.modules():
            if isinstance(layer, torch.nn.Conv2d):
                torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_(layer.weight, nonlinearity="relu")

        for name, param in self.lstm_cell.named_parameters():
            if 'bias' in name:
            elif 'weight' in name:


    def forward(self,x):
        x, (hx, cx) = x
        out_backbone = self.conv1(x)
        out_backbone = self.relu(out_backbone)
        out_backbone = self.conv2(out_backbone)
        out_backbone = self.relu(out_backbone)
        out = out_backbone.view(out_backbone.size(0), -1)
        out = self.fc1(out)
        out = self.relu(out)
        #lstm cell
        hx, cx = self.lstm_cell(out, (hx, cx))
        out = hx
        actor = self.out_actor(out)
        critic = self.out_critic(out)
        return actor,critic,(hx, cx)

The training function is as follow:

def train(p_i, shared_model, p, optimizer, lock, counter, lys, avg_ep, scores, scores_avg, flag_exit):
    params = p.copy()
    layers_ = lys.copy()
    seed = params['seed']
    torch.manual_seed(seed + p_i)
    np.random.seed(seed + p_i)
    env = gym.make(params['env_name'])
    env.seed(seed + p_i)
    env.observation_space.np_random.seed(seed + p_i)
    env.action_space.np_random.seed(seed + p_i)
    actions_name = env.unwrapped.get_action_meanings()
    print(' ----- TRAIN PHASE -----')
    #create instance of the model
    model = ActorCritic(input_shape=layers_['n_frames'], layer1=layers_['hidden_dim1'], kernel_size1=layers_['kernel_size1'], stride1=layers_['stride1'], layer2=layers_['hidden_dim2'],
                        kernel_size2=layers_['kernel_size2'], stride2=layers_['stride2'], fc1_dim=layers_['fc1'], 
                        lstm_dim=layers_['lstm_dim'], out_actor_dim=layers_['out_actor_dim'], out_critic_dim=layers_['out_critic_dim'])

    if optimizer is None:
        optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(shared_model.parameters(), lr=params['lr'])
    #reset env
    queue = deque(maxlen=4)
    in_state_i = env.reset()
    #initialize a queue for each env, preprocess each frame and obtain a vecotr of 84,84,4
    frame_queue = initialize_queue(queue, layers_['n_frames'], in_state_i, env, actions_name)
    #stack the frames together
    input_frames = stack_frames(frame_queue)
    current_state = input_frames
    episode_length = 0
    tot_rew = 0
    #initialization lstm hidden state
    hx = torch.zeros(1, layers_['lstm_dim'])
    cx = torch.zeros(1, layers_['lstm_dim'])
    while True:
        #stop workers when the avg > mean reward
        if flag_exit.value == 1:
            print(f"Terminating process n. {p_i}...")
        #Sync with the shared model
        hx, cx, steps_array, episode_length, frame_queue, current_state, tot_rew, counter, flag_finish, scores_avg = rollout(p_i, counter, params, model, hx, cx, frame_queue, env, current_state,
                                                                                  episode_length, actions_name, layers_, tot_rew, scores, lock, avg_ep, scores_avg)
        if flag_finish == True:
            print('Save Model...')
            plot_avg_scores(scores_avg, 'Plot AVG Scores')
            with flag_exit.get_lock():
                flag_exit.value = 1
        #compute expected returns
        probs, log_probs, action_log_probs, advantages, returns, values = compute_returns(steps_array, params['gamma'], model)

        # compute losses and update parameters
        a3c_loss, value_loss, policy_loss, entropy_loss = update_parameters(probs, log_probs, action_log_probs, advantages, returns, values, params['value_coeff'], params['entropy_coef'])
        torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), params['max_grad_norm'])
        ensure_shared_grads(model, shared_model)
        if counter.value % 100 == 0:
            print(f'Process: {p_i} \nUpdate: {counter.value} \nPolicy_Loss: {policy_loss.item()} \nValue_Loss: {value_loss.item()} \nEntropy_Loss: {entropy_loss.item()} \nA3C loss: {a3c_loss.item()} \n')
        with counter.get_lock():
            counter.value += 1

where the function considered are:

def rollout(p_i, counter, params, model, hx, cx, frame_queue, env, current_state, episode_length, actions_name, layers_, tot_rew, scores, lock, avg_ep, scores_avg):
    #empty lists
    states = []
    actions = []
    rewards = []
    masks = []
    hx_s = []
    cx_s = []
    steps_array = []
    flag_finish = False
    for _ in range(params['rollout_size']):
        episode_length +=1
        current_state = current_state.unsqueeze(0).permute(0,3,1,2)
        with torch.no_grad():
            #compute logits, values and hidden and cell states from the current state
            logits, _ , (hx_, cx_)  = model((current_state,(hx, cx)))
            #get action
            action, _, _ = compute_log_prob_actions(logits)
        #permorm step in the env
        next_frame, reward, done, _ = skip_frames(action,env,skip_frame=4)
        #reward = max(min(reward, 1), -1)
        tot_rew +=reward
        next_state = stack_frames(frame_queue)
        current_state = next_state
        hx, cx = hx_, cx_
        if episode_length > params['max_ep_length']:
        if done:
            #reset env
            in_state_i = env.reset()
            frame_queue = initialize_queue(frame_queue, layers_['n_frames'], in_state_i, env, actions_name)
            #stack the frames together
            input_frames = stack_frames(frame_queue)
            current_state = input_frames
            episode_length = 0
                "Process: ", p_i,
                "Update:", counter.value,
                "| Ep_r: %.0f" % tot_rew,
            flag_finish, scores_avg = print_avg(scores, p_i, tot_rew, lock, avg_ep, params, flag_finish, scores_avg)                        
            if flag_finish == True:
            tot_rew = 0
            hx = torch.zeros(1, layers_['lstm_dim'])
            cx = torch.zeros(1, layers_['lstm_dim'])
    with torch.no_grad():
        _, f_value , _  = model((current_state.unsqueeze(0).permute(0,3,1,2),(hx_, cx_)))
    steps_array.append((states, actions, rewards, masks, hx_s, cx_s, f_value))
    return hx, cx, steps_array, episode_length, frame_queue, current_state, tot_rew, counter, flag_finish, scores_avg


def compute_returns(steps_array, gamma, model):
    states, actions, rewards, masks, hx_s, cx_s, f_value = steps_array[0]
    R = f_value
    returns  = torch.zeros(len(rewards),1)
    for j in reversed(range(len(rewards))):
         R = rewards[j] + R * gamma * (1-masks[j])
         returns[j] = R
    #batch of states
    s = torch.concat(states, dim=0)
    a = torch.tensor(actions).unsqueeze(1)
    hxs = torch.cat(hx_s)
    cxs = torch.cat(cx_s)
    #compute probs and logproba
    logits, values, _ = model((s,(hxs, cxs)))
    probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
    log_probs = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1)
    #gather logprobs with respect the chosen actions
    action_log_probs = log_probs.gather(1, a)
    advantages = returns - values
    return probs, log_probs, action_log_probs, advantages, returns, values

and finally to update the parameters:

def update_parameters(probs, log_probs, action_log_probs, advantages, returns, values, value_coeff, entropy_coef):
    #policy loss
    policy_loss = -(action_log_probs * advantages.detach()).mean() 
    #value loss
    value_loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(values, returns)
    #entropy loss
    entropy_loss = (probs * log_probs).sum(dim=1).mean()
    a3c_loss = policy_loss + value_coeff * value_loss + entropy_coef * entropy_loss
    return a3c_loss, value_loss, policy_loss, entropy_loss

To synchronize the gradients I used, as in other implementations:

def ensure_shared_grads(local_model, shared_model):
    for param, shared_param in zip(local_model.parameters(),shared_model.parameters()):
        if shared_param.grad is not None:
        shared_param.grad = param.grad

The main is similar to the one found in the PyTorch docs for multiprocessin:

shared_ac = ActorCritic(input_shape=layers_['n_frames'], layer1=layers_['hidden_dim1'], kernel_size1=layers_['kernel_size1'], stride1=layers_['stride1'], layer2=layers_['hidden_dim2'],
                                kernel_size2=layers_['kernel_size2'], stride2=layers_['stride2'], fc1_dim=layers_['fc1'], 
                                lstm_dim=layers_['lstm_dim'], out_actor_dim=layers_['out_actor_dim'], out_critic_dim=layers_['out_critic_dim'])

        #shared optimizer
        if params['optimizer'] == 'adam':
            print('Use Adam Shared optimizer ...')
            optimizer = SharedAdam(shared_ac.parameters(), lr=params['lr'])
        elif params['optimizer'] == 'rmsprop':
            print('Use RMSprop Shared optimizer ...')
            optimizer = SharedRMSprop(shared_ac.parameters(), lr=params['lr'])
            optimizer = None
        counter_updates = mp.Value('i', 0)
        counter_test = mp.Value('i', 0)
        shared_ep, shared_r = mp.Value('i', 0), mp.Value('d', 0.)
        lock = mp.Lock()
        avg_ep = mp.Value('i', 0)
        scores = mp.Manager().list()
        scores_avg = mp.Manager().list()
        flag_exit = mp.Value('i', 0)

        n_processes = params['n_process']
        print('n_processes: ', n_processes)
        print('rollout size: ', params['rollout_size'])
        processes = []

        for p_i in range(0, n_processes):
            p = mp.Process(target=train, args=(p_i, shared_ac, params, optimizer,lock, counter_updates, layers_, avg_ep, scores, scores_avg, flag_exit))
        for p in processes:
        for p in processes:

Based on the code, do you have any idea of where a problem could occur making the algorithm not converge in PyTorch 2.0.0? I don’t have any errors in the terminal when launching and executing the code.

Thank you in advance.

When you say “get stuck” does that mean that the code stops runninig or that training does not improve?
Do you have a training curve to show for the old and new version?

Yes, the training stops improving and it gets worse instead of increasing the reward.
This is an example of the A3C without using the seed and relying on 4 workers:
By contrast when using the seed on torch, numpy, env, action and state space i got the following results:
plot_avg_scores 20-15-07-521

Hmm hard to tell based on these charts, both reach the same max reward and on the second I can’t tell what happens after step 500. If I had to judge based on these two I couldn’t tell which one is “wrong”.
I can’t even tell which one is wrong actually haha.
Which is torch 1.13? Which is the new one? What happens in the second case when you go after step 500? What env is this?

Sorry, i could have made an error in my explanation, both of them comes from PyTorch=1.13.1, the fact that the line stops is because when a mean_reward = 18.0 (moving average) is reached then the training is stopped. I have 2 Pcs: 1) my personal laptop (an old MacBook Air of 2015) and 2) the PC that I have at my job.
For 1) I have the following libraries: Pytorch=1.13.1, Gym=0.19.0 with only 4 vcpus
For 2) I have: Pytorch=2.0.1, Gym=0.26.2 with a total of 8 vcpus (I only use 4 of them to reproduce the results of 1)

I tried to use the exact same libraries for both of them and 2) converges as 1), however, if I change the libraries of 2) with the newest, the algorithm stops improving and never goes up.
I’m currently trying to interchange the libraries to see what is going on and if the problem is related to PyTorch or Gym.
The result I posted comes from 1) playing on PongNoFrameSkip-v4 env, the first without using the seed, and the second with the latter.

Sorry this is all very confusing, I can’t circle back to what figure is produced with what, what’s the difference between the two and how they demonstrate the issue.
What’s the seeding issue? I don’t get that either. How is it related to the problem?

I’m not sure I understand what (1) and (2) stand for. What does (1) do in all this? It seems only (2) is required to demonstrate the issue am I right?

What I understand is that if you use an old gym with an old PT you get good results on your laptop, but not if you upgrade both libraries. Is that correct? Do you have the same plots as above with the old and new version?

The first two graphs do not represent the problem, they only represent the successful experiments with my personal laptop. I do not have the charts for problem 2) because the plot is printed as soon as the training finishes, i.e. when I reach a mean reward of 18, and 2) is not able to reach this bound because it got stuck always between -21 and -19.

What you said is correct, on my laptop with the old libraries I got nice results, while with the libraries updated on 2) the algorithm got stuck. Unfortunately, I cannot update my OsX (i.e. 1) to try the experiments with the recent PyTorch and Gym libraries and check if it is a problem related only with 2).

Ok so it’s still not 100% clear to me but here is how I would proceed to debug this:

  • Try updating just torch or just gym and check if the problem persists
  • Log things like gradient norm, observation norm, etc to check if values differ from run to run across versions
  • Try using a single worker. If possible, try not using any multiprocessed training at all (to check if the problem comes from there).
    I did not look thoroughy at the code as this forum isn’t ideal to fully grasp what is about. I would suggest to make a github gist (you can easily do that via colab) or anything like that to give a full picture of what the code looks like.
    You mention you’re using ShareAdam but this isn’t part of pytorch, so I wonder which implementation you’re using?

In general, multiprocessed training isn’t as obvious as it seems and you may encounter subtle issues. Best is to use distributed dataclasses from pytorch directly IMO.

Let us know how the debugging goes

Thank you for your help Vincent, let me point out what I’ve done till now:

  • I exported the code in Google Colab (only 2 CPUs available) and I did the thing you suggested: for PyTorch==1.13.1 and any Gym version the code works exactly as in my personal OsX. By contrast with versions of PyTorch=2.0.1 and PyTorch=2.1 the problem still holds.
  • Every Hyperparameter and parameter is exactly the same for each code.
  • I think that the problem could be related to multiprocessing, as soon as possible I will remove and try the train without it, meanwhile here you can find the code ‘Google Colab
  • SharedAdam is an instance of the class Adam but with parameters shared between the workers, here is the code:
class SharedAdam(torch.optim.Adam):
  def __init__(self, params, lr=1e-3, betas=(0.9, 0.99), eps=1e-8, weight_decay=0):
    super(SharedAdam,self).__init__(params, lr, betas, eps, weight_decay)
    #setting initial values
    for group in self.param_groups:
      for p in group['params']:
        state = self.state[p]
        state['step'] = torch.zeros(1)[0]
        state['exp_avg'] = p.data.new().resize_as_(p.data).zero_()
        state['exp_avg_sq'] = p.data.new().resize_as_(p.data).zero_()

  def share_memory(self):
    for group in self.param_groups:
      for p in group['params']:
        state = self.state[p]

Thank you again for your patience and suggestions.


  • I’ve performed experiments with multiprocessing with just 1 worker and the problem persists between PyTorch==1.13.1 and PyTorch==2.0.1
  • I’ve removed torch.multiprocessing and any multiprocessing functionality and with PyTorch==2.0.1 I’ve obtained the same results as with PyTorch=1.13.1 with 1 worker.

To conclude, it looks like my problem comes from the use of torch.multiprocessing and its functionalities. For the code, I’ve used as a reference: Multiprocessing best practices — PyTorch 2.1 documentation.

Right so looking at your code:

  • ensure_shared_grads looks a bit weird to me, have you (unit)tested that it does what it should? Specifically, why do you skip the sync if grad is not None? Why is shared_param._grad updated and not shared_param.grad?
  • The whole logic does not seem very orthodox to me, it feels like you could have some funny race conditions occurring etc. Have you considered centralizing your gradients and performing the updates there? You seem to be using a CPU-based model, perhaps you could avoid loading the state dict at each step and just use the shared weights? What is the purpose of loading them (I would suspect that state_dict and load_state_dict take a considerable amount of time and harm any advantage you could get by using multiple procs)?

My implementation is based on the implementations I’ve found on GitHub (e.g. GitHub - ikostrikov/pytorch-a3c: PyTorch implementation of Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) from "Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning".) since A3C was a totally new approach for me. But in general, this is what I understood so far:

  • ensure_shared_grads is used to ensure that gradients computed by the local model are shared with the shared model. However, as pointed out here (e.g Are local gradients accumulated and never reset? · Issue #21 · MorvanZhou/pytorch-A3C · GitHub) looks like after the first iteration the gradients are already the same therefore shared_param.grad = param.grad is not needed. This is checked by the condition if shared_param.grad is not None. Sorry you are right, I forgot to remove shared_param._grad and use simply shared_param.grad.
  • A3C (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.01783.pdf) is an asynchronous algorithm with multiple workers that update the shared parameters once they have finished a certain amount of steps, i.e. they perform a complete rollout. Each time a local model computes its loss and computes its gradients by backpropagation, they are used to update the parameters of the shared model. At this point, the idea is that each worker is updated with the most recent shared parameters and this is why I used model.load_state_dict(shared_model.state_dict()). Apart from this, the only operation that I’ve performed on the local gradients before using to perform a step of the shared optimizer is torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), params['max_grad_norm']) where the model is the local model.

I can reproduce this behaviour.

I added a weight decay and noticed smth strange: the weight norm (the norm of all params in the model) explodes with the new pytorch version but decreases with the old one!
That makes me think that there is something fishy with the SharedAdam implementation but I could not spot what it was. I had a look at the history of adam.py but it didn’t really help…

I will ask around but it could take some time since some folks are off the grid at the moment.
I’ll keep digging on my side!

Thank you so much, Vincent, let me know if you find the solution to the problem.

All the best,

You need to change how you zero the grads to optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=False). zero_grad default is true and setting them to None kills the shared memory on the grads. It will still learn because ensure_shared_grads function loads grads into shared model each time but to truly hogwild train the grads sharing should be already done and the ensure_shared_grads function should only be needed for the first pass.

It is correct to use shared_param._grad = param.grad as this should be an in-place operation as memory is being shared.

Thank you so much! Finally, with your suggestion, I managed to make the A3C work with PyTorch Version >= 2.0.0.

All the best,

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