Add_event_handler arguments not passing correctly?


So when I do:

def log_engine_output(
    engine: Engine,
    fields: Dict[LOG_OP, Union[List[str], List[VisPlot], List[VisImg]]],
) -> None:
    """Log numerical fields in the engine output dictionary to stdout"""


    for mode in fields.keys():
        if (
            mode is LOG_OP.NUMBER_TO_VISDOM
            or mode is LOG_OP.VECTOR_TO_VISDOM
            or mode is LOG_OP.IMAGE_TO_VISDOM
            mode(engine, fields[mode], engine_attr="output")

                # Log fields as message in logfile
                LOG_OP.LOG_MESSAGE: ["loss"],
                # Log fields as separate data files
                LOG_OP.SAVE_IN_DATA_FILE: ["loss"],
                # Plot fields to Visdom
                LOG_OP.NUMBER_TO_VISDOM: [
                    # First plot, key is "p1"
                        title="Train loss: ",

The epoch_num that is printed is always 0. Thatā€™s not right since it prints every epoch - why would this happen?

Iā€™m also confusing about the structure of doing trainer.add_event_handler() vs. the decorator of

I thought that the only difference between the decorator and the add_event_handler(some_function, variable1, variable2) was that with add_event_handler you could pass in the variables that are the arguments to the function (variable 1, variable 2), whereas with the decorator @train you can only pass in ā€œengineā€ as your argument. Is this correct? If so, why isnā€™t passing the arguments working for me?

Also - what is the situation with add_event_handler automatically checking to see if the first argument it finds (after the function),is ā€œengineā€? From the tutorial, ā€œThe first argument can be optionally engine, but not necessary.ā€.

def log_metrics(engine, title):
    print("Epoch: {} - {} accuracy: {:.2f}"
           .format(trainer.state.epoch, title, engine.state.metrics["acc"]))

def evaluate(trainer):
    with evaluator.add_event_handler(Events.COMPLETED, log_metrics, "train"):

Here it automatically passes ā€œevaluatorā€ as the ā€œengineā€ argument to log_metrics. However, here:

trainer = Engine(update_model)

trainer.add_event_handler(Events.STARTED, lambda _: print("Start training"))
# or
def on_training_started(engine):
    print("Another message of start training")
# or even simpler, use only what you need !
def on_training_started():
    print("Another message of start training")

# attach handler with args, kwargs
mydata = [1, 2, 3, 4]

def on_training_ended(data):
    print("Training is ended. mydata={}".format(data))

trainer.add_event_handler(Events.COMPLETED, on_training_ended, mydata)

The first argument is not ā€œengineā€. Does this mean that somehow ignite checks the function passed into add_event_handler to see if the first argument is called ā€œengineā€? And if so, does the nomenclature have to be exactly called ā€œengineā€ in order for it to pass the engine that add_event_handler is attached to to the function?


Hi @pytorchnewbie

The epoch_num that is printed is always 0. Thatā€™s not right since it prints every epoch - why would this happen?

This a correct behaviour as passing trainer.state.epoch it is passed as value and not reference. I agree that it would be nice to have it as reference, but I have no idea how to do that in python.

You need to fetch epoch inside the handler with trainer.state.epoch.

Iā€™m also confusing about the structure of doing trainer.add_event_handler() vs. the decorator of

Normally and the intention is that both should be the same and provide the same functionnality. If it is not the case, it is a bug.

You can also pass variable using the decorator:

from ignite.engine import Engine, Events

trainer = Engine(lambda e, b: None)

@trainer.on(Events.ITERATION_COMPLETED, [0, 1, 2])
def print_my_data(_mydata):
    print("print_my_data : ", _mydata)[0])

Yes, internally, we check the signature of attached function and see if we can bind the function with and without the Engine.
There are following options possible:

  1. with engine only
def handler(engine):
    assert engine == trainer
  1. with engine and additional variables
@trainer.on(event, v1, v2)
def handler(engine, v1, v2):
    assert engine == trainer
  1. without engine
def handler():
  1. without engine, but with variables
@trainer.on(event, v1, v2)
def handler(v1, v2):

And if so, does the nomenclature have to be exactly called ā€œengineā€ in order for it to pass the engine that add_event_handler is attached to to the function?

Yes, if you would like to pass engine, it has to be the first argument.
Hope it is more clear :slight_smile:

What does it mean passed by value and not reference? Value to me means at that moment what is the value of trainer.state.epoch, but isnā€™t this handler triggered completely anew every epoch? Therefore every epoch the value of trainer.state.epoch changes?

What does it mean passed by value and not reference?

It means that the function gets the value of trainer.state.epoch.

Therefore every epoch the value of trainer.state.epoch changes?

yes, it is updated internally by Engine during the run.

To respond to : ā€œYes, internally, we check the signature of attached function and see if we can bind the function with and without the Engine.ā€

Strangeā€¦ it doesnā€™t seem to work in this case:

def print_epoch(engine):
print("The training epoch is: " + str(engine.state.epoch))

Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED(every=1), print_epoch()

The error is : ā€œTypeError: print_epoch() missing 1 required positional argument: ā€˜engineā€™ā€

I get the same error if I do:

Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED(every=1), print_epoch(), trainer

Exactlyā€¦ so then normally the value of trainer.state.epoch shouldnā€™t be 0 every single time the event handler is triggered?

It should be like that

def print_epoch(engine):
    print("The training epoch is: " + str(engine.state.epoch))

    Events.EPOCH_COMPLETED(every=1), print_epoch

print_epoch shouldnā€™t be called on the same line as trainer.add_event_handler.

Ofcourse silly mistake I apologize

Well, it is more like the following:

def foo(x):

handlers = []

def add_handler(fn, args):
    handlers.append((fn, args))
def execute():
    for h, args in handlers:

epoch = 0

# args are registered with value 0
add_handler(foo, epoch)


# even if we update the variable, registered args are not changed
epoch = 1

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