Are features within an LSTM connected

with an LSTM layer with multiple features, do the features within the LSTM have any effect on one another? Is there some level of a fully connected layer for the features of each time slice?

lstm = torch.nn.LSTM( 2, hidden_size=10, num_layers=1, batch_first=True)
features = torch.rand( (1,10,2))

tensor([[[0.3317, 0.1547],
         [0.1294, 0.4251],
         [0.3386, 0.1474],
         [0.9933, 0.0323],
         [0.1047, 0.8910],
         [0.2937, 0.5866],
         [0.7244, 0.8024],
         [0.6509, 0.6176],
         [0.2874, 0.3786],
         [0.1911, 0.8797]]])

With the above example would feature column 1 have any effect or interaction with feature column 2 for each time step? Or are they treated separately within the LSTM such that each feature series is independent of one another?

Do you see those Xs inside circles? Those are matrix multiplications (matmul). When you matmul(or matrix-vector product) two matrices(or in this case, a vector and a matrix), all parts of the matrix(or vector) interact. So, yes, the input features interact with one another before the output.

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