with an LSTM layer with multiple features, do the features within the LSTM have any effect on one another? Is there some level of a fully connected layer for the features of each time slice?
lstm = torch.nn.LSTM( 2, hidden_size=10, num_layers=1, batch_first=True)
features = torch.rand( (1,10,2))
tensor([[[0.3317, 0.1547],
[0.1294, 0.4251],
[0.3386, 0.1474],
[0.9933, 0.0323],
[0.1047, 0.8910],
[0.2937, 0.5866],
[0.7244, 0.8024],
[0.6509, 0.6176],
[0.2874, 0.3786],
[0.1911, 0.8797]]])
With the above example would feature column 1 have any effect or interaction with feature column 2 for each time step? Or are they treated separately within the LSTM such that each feature series is independent of one another?