"at" has no member "cudnn_convolution_xxx"

Hello there,

I’m using pytorch 1.12 to compile a custom operator and I found that
at::cudnn_convolution_backward_weight is missing which is supposed to be in include/ATen/NativeFunctions.h.
So I got the following error:

namespace "at" has no member "cudnn_convolution_backward_weight"

I search the include directory and only found a function named at::convolution_backward.

Am I suppose to use this function instead of at::cudnn_convolution_backward_weight ? Is there any documentation for me? I couldn’t find any clue in release note.


similar issue could be found here

The cudnn calls are not exposed anymore if I’m not mistaken, so use the plain convolution functions instead.

Thanks! I refer to code here to solve my problem.

For those people who are stucked by this problem, plz use the convolution_backward instead of cudnn_convolution_xxx. Or you could use torch < 1.11.0 to compile your operator.

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