ATen cuda kernel dispatch for type

I am using ATen and this example, from here.
I have a kernel that needs one array of floats (for input) and one array of ints (for labels), should I still use AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES?

  1. does this line mean only floats will be marshalled to cuda kernel? or is it just specifying the scalar_t?

    AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(X.type(), “lltm_forward_cuda” …

  2. Please correct me if I am wrong: The integral types (int, bool, …) I guess need no special treatment

P.S. it looks like both lines 123 and 157 pass “lltm_forward_cuda” as the second argument, that does not seem right if it is for debugging


Re 1: AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES will do float and double automatically.
You specify the dispatch for the type of X. When you have an int-Tensor-argument Y, it’ll be the same. You cannot pass an int-Tensor as X here.
If you want half, there also is a _AND_HALF version.
Re 2: You don’t get any special treatment of these and would have to do it on your own.
Probably using backward in the second string is better.

Best regards



Hello If anybody will be looking for it now there are multpple at dispatch macros here

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@tom, @dashesy Hey, what does _AND_HALF do? So is there still no way to mix tensor types when you give them to the CUDA kernel (long and float)

@Jakub_Mitura Did you figure out, which one is the right one? Any Dispatchers of the form AT_DISPATCH_CASE_ALL_TYPES_AND_... seem to be candidates.

No, this is not for mixing types, but for quite a while the default floating point types were FP32 and FP64, so _AND_HALF adds FP16 (and maybe BF16?) support.
Given that each dtype produces a separate kernel (with C++ templating) there is not built-in mechanism for mixing two kernels (I did make that manually for CTC if I recall correctly, due to CuDNN wanting 32 bit ints and PyTorch defaulting to 64 bit ints). These really are just a switch statement, so you could easily make your own, but beware of the explosion of the number of kernels.

Best regards


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@tom First of all, thank you for your answer. To clarify my statement: I do not want to mix different kernels but just mix the dtypes of the arguments: An example

If all the inputs are of long type, the following would work:

    AT_DISPATCH_INTEGRAL_TYPES(at::ScalarType::Long,"Some long error message", [&] {
      some_cuda_kernel<scalar_t><<<blocks, threads>>>(

where I have used the packed_accesor.

If I only have float tensors, the following works

  AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(at::ScalarType::Float,"Some floating error message", [&] {
    some_cuda_kernel<scalar_t><<<blocks, threads>>>(

How do I dispatch a kernel that takes both some_long_tensor and some_float_tensor?


AT_DISPATCH_ALL_TYPES(at::ScalarType,"Hello !",[&] {
    some_cuda_kernel<scalar_t><<<blocks, threads>>>(


                                 "some combined error message", [&] {
    some_cuda_kernel<scalar_t><<<blocks, threads>>>(...)

all failed.

For any raw CUDA kernel, this is not a problem. So if there is any other way to use a raw kernel in this situation, I would appreciate a hint.

You want the first param of packed_accessor (and the PackedAccessor declaration) to be the C++ type you need:

some_long_tensor.packed_accessor<int64_t, 2...>(),

The AT_DISPATCH will have a switch querying a at::ScalarType (~the Python dtype) (of a tensor that might have any of several) and providing the matching C++ type as scalar_t to be used in templating the accessor and kernel call.
If you have fixed dtypes for your arguments, you would not need AT_DISPATCH at all.