Autograd for ATen (C++)

I’m not sure what the state of ATen for regular use is, but the README has some basic examples. I couldn’t find any snippet showing how to do autograd with ATen. Is autograd implemented only in python? If I were considering to write an application in C++ that required tensor operations and autograd, would it be feasible to do it with ATen in its current state or in the future?


No Aten is purely a tensor library and has nothing to do with autograd.
The cpp autograd is located in the libtorch cpp library.
That being said, I am not sure cpp-only autograd is completely supported at the moment. It will be in the near future but I am not sure what is the current state. @smth should be able to tell you.

we’ll have more examples, documentation and guidance / usage of this API in about 2 to 3 weeks.

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