Backpropagation through multiple forward-propagations

Hello everyone.

In studying Unsupervised-Classification , An incomprehensible logic was found.
Here is refer git-hub.

A function scan_train in

def scan_train(train_loader, model, criterion, optimizer, epoch, update_cluster_head_only=False):
    Train w/ SCAN-Loss
    total_losses = AverageMeter('Total Loss', ':.4e')
    consistency_losses = AverageMeter('Consistency Loss', ':.4e')
    entropy_losses = AverageMeter('Entropy', ':.4e')
    progress = ProgressMeter(len(train_loader),
        [total_losses, consistency_losses, entropy_losses],
        prefix="Epoch: [{}]".format(epoch))

    if update_cluster_head_only:
        model.eval() # No need to update BN
        model.train() # Update BN

    for i, batch in enumerate(train_loader):
        # Forward pass
        anchors = batch['anchor'].cuda(non_blocking=True)
        neighbors = batch['neighbor'].cuda(non_blocking=True)
        if update_cluster_head_only: # Only calculate gradient for backprop of linear layer
            with torch.no_grad():
                anchors_features = model(anchors, forward_pass='backbone')
                neighbors_features = model(neighbors, forward_pass='backbone')
            anchors_output = model(anchors_features, forward_pass='head')
            neighbors_output = model(neighbors_features, forward_pass='head')

        else: # Calculate gradient for backprop of complete network
            anchors_output = model(anchors)
            neighbors_output = model(neighbors)     

        # Loss for every head
        total_loss, consistency_loss, entropy_loss = [], [], []
        for anchors_output_subhead, neighbors_output_subhead in zip(anchors_output, neighbors_output):
            total_loss_, consistency_loss_, entropy_loss_ = criterion(anchors_output_subhead,

        # Register the mean loss and backprop the total loss to cover all subheads
        total_losses.update(np.mean([v.item() for v in total_loss]))
        consistency_losses.update(np.mean([v.item() for v in consistency_loss]))
        entropy_losses.update(np.mean([v.item() for v in entropy_loss]))

        total_loss = torch.sum(torch.stack(total_loss, dim=0))


        if i % 25 == 0:

A model is used to calculate two outputs

        anchors_output = model(anchors)
        neighbors_output = model(neighbors) 

and two output is used to get a loss.

        total_loss_, consistency_loss_, entropy_loss_ = criterion(anchors_output_subhead,

and back propagation


As far as I know, An output value of a node is need to backpropagate gradients through the node.
(e.g matmul gradient)

but in the upper case, the output value is not one.

Do I misunderstood the backpropagation?

I’m not sure what exactly this is referring to. In your code snippet you are reducing the losses by applying torch.sum on them and are calling total_loss.backward() later.
If you are concerned about the backward call on non-scalar values: by default PyTorch will pass a 1. gradient to backward(), if this operation is called on a scalar. If you are working with multiple values, you would need to specify the input gradient manually to the backward operation.

Thanks for your replay and sorry to late check.

My question is about a calculating partial derivatives.
Here is an example.

To find the slope of the network, the output values are required.
a1, a2, a3 are output values of training.

This is my question.
The output value is used to obtain the slop.
but the evaluation of the model is calculated twice in the code above.

    anchors_output = model(anchors)
    neighbors_output = model(neighbors) 

What evaluation values ​​are used to find the slope?
