Broken pipe error ( Execution Error?)

import txt_file_maker
import dataset_maker
import YOLO
import torch
from import DataLoader
import time

image_paths = ['./datasets/VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007/VOCdevkit/VOC2007', './datasets/VOCtrainval_11-May-2012/VOCdevkit/VOC2012', './datasets/VOCtest_06-Nov-2007/VOCdevkit/VOC2007', './datasets/VOC2012test/VOCdevkit/VOC2012']
txt_paths = ["./datasets/txt/voc2007trainval.txt", "./datasets/txt/voc2012trainval.txt", "./datasets/txt/voc2007test.txt", "./datasets/txt/voc2012test.txt"]

txt_make = 0 # If this is the first run, you should change it to 1 to make txt file to be used for making dataset

if txt_make == 1:
    print('txt file making start')
    for i in range(len(image_paths)):
        txt_file_maker.maker(image_path=image_paths[i], txt_path=txt_paths[i])
else: print("txt file already made")

print('txt file making complete!')

# YoloDataset(root=file_root, list_file='./codes/lab8/Generate_dataset/voc2007+2012.txt', train=True)

print('dataset making start!')

VOC2007_trainset = dataset_maker.YoloDataset(root=image_paths[0], list_file=txt_paths[0], train=True)
train_loader = DataLoader(VOC2007_trainset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True, num_workers=4)

print('dataset making complete!')

model = YOLO.yolo()

device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

learning_rate = 1e-4
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4)

criterion = YOLO.yoloLoss(l_coord=5, l_noobj=0.5)

best = 1e+30
num_epochs = 10
print("training start!")

loss_per_epoch = 0

for i in range(num_epochs):
    start = time.time()
    for j, (img, target) in enumerate(train_loader, 0):
        img =
        target =

        output = model.forward(img)
        loss = criterion.forward(output, target)
        loss_per_epoch += loss


    print("Epoch {} loss : {} , Elapsed time : {}".format(i, loss_per_epoch / j, time.time() - start))
    loss_per_epoch = 0

If I run the code, there is broken pipe error.

I printed out the processing steps as like in above code.

txt file already made
txt file making complete!
dataset making start!
dataset making complete!
training start!
txt file already made
txt file making complete!
dataset making start!
dataset making complete!
training start!

However, I only can figure out that it runs the code twice. I don’t know why.