Bug in int8 ndarray to tensor conversion or in my understanding?

torch.tensor(ndarray) works fine for me. However, the labels are a binary mask so I’m storing them as an ndarray of numpy int8. The following code:
label_dict[key] = torch.Tensor(label)
fails with:
RuntimeError: tried to construct a tensor from a nested float sequence, but found an item of type numpy.int8 at index (0, 0, 0)

If label is converted with .astype(np.uint8) ahead of time, I get:
RuntimeError: tried to construct a tensor from a nested int sequence, but found an item of type numpy.uint8 at index (0, 0, 0)

I can obviously preallocate an appropriately sized CharTensor and then copy myself, but it seems like that shouldn’t be necessary.

Trying to work around it with a ByteTensor as dst and ndarray of uint8 as follows:

def copy_tensor(dst, src):
    for z in range(Z_MAX):
        for y in range(Y_MAX):
            for x in range(X_MAX):
                val = src[z][y][x]
                dst[z][y][x] = val

RuntimeError: can’t assign a numpy.uint8 to a scalar value of type int

The labels masks are 192x160x192, so it really would be nicer to keep them as single byte tensors.

this does work - albeit slowly. And it’s actually so slow as to be useless.

def copy_tensor(dst, src):
    for z in range(Z_MAX):
        for y in range(Y_MAX):
            for x in range(X_MAX):
                val = src[z][y][x]
                if val != 0:
                    dst[z][y][x] = 1

It appears that the only ndarray to tensor conversion that actually works is floating point.


You can use the torch.from_numpy(ndarray) function to convert numpy array from numpy.
If you use it, you will see that int8 is not supported in torch, the error message by the from_numpy function will tell you which types are supported. In your case, I think you want to use the uint8 type (that is supported).

When you use torch.Tensor(ndarray) (which is a shorthand for torch.FloatTensor(ndarray) if you didn’t changed the default tensor type), it will try to build a FloatTensor from the ndarray, which is not an array of float in your case but int8.
If you want to build a tensor of uint8 elements, you will need to build it with the right type: torch.ByteTensor(ndarray).
I would advice using the from_numpy function as it finds the corresponding tensor type itself, while if you directly build the tensor, you will have to specify the type yourself.


Converting to np.uint8 and then calling from_numpy works. Thanks.

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Hi, torch.from_numpy(ndarray) works on uint8,
but if I want to covert the array to int8 what should I do.
I tried to use the torch.CharTensor but getting error
RuntimeError: tried to construct a tensor from a nested int sequence, but found an item of type numpy.int8 at index (0, 0, 0, 0)

Thank you very much

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