I am getting error related to onnx while building which is causing it to fail.
The command which I have executed is MAX_JOBS=8 DEBUG=1 USE_DISTRIBUTED=0 USE_MKLDNN=0 USE_CUDA=0 BUILD_TEST=1 USE_FBGEMM=0 USE_NNPACK=0 USE_QNNPACK=0 python setup.py develop
The error which I am getting is:
../caffe2/opt/onnxifi_op.cc:95:7: error: ‘onnxTensorDescriptorV1 {aka struct onnxTensorDescriptorV1}’ has no member named ‘isOffline’
to->isOffline = from->isOffline;
../caffe2/opt/onnxifi_op.cc: In function ‘void caffe2::{anonymous}::BlobToTensorDescriptor(const string&, caffe2::Workspace*, onnxTensorDescriptorV1*, std::vector<std::vector<long unsigned int, std::allocator<long unsigned int> > >*, std::vector<std::vector<float> >*, std::vector<std::vector<int> >*)’:
../caffe2/opt/onnxifi_op.cc:134:9: error: ‘onnxTensorDescriptorV1 {aka struct onnxTensorDescriptorV1}’ has no member named ‘isOffline’
desc->isOffline = false;
If you have just formed from master, it shouldn’t matter.
However, just to make sure your branch didn’t mess with the setup, could you try to build from current master?
Hi @ptrblck, while running python setup.py clean in master branch,
I am gettting the following error:
Building wheel torch-1.4.0a0+3657df3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "setup.py", line 759, in <module>
extensions, cmdclass, packages, entry_points = configure_extension_build()
File "setup.py", line 640, in configure_extension_build
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/posixpath.py", line 156, in dirname
p = os.fspath(p)
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not bool
Not sure if I have to clone the repo and again and rebuild it. Would be great if you could please provide solution for it.