^C when training YOLO on google colab

Hello this is my first ever project with PyTorch and idk what’s going on.

I followed two tutorials (one of them being from ultralytics) but both had the same problem.

When running

!yolo task=detect mode=train model=yolov5l6u.pt data={dataset.location}/data.yaml epochs=20 imgsz=640

it always end up like this and note the ^C. I am not ending the run, it does on its own.

Logging results to runs/detect/train3
Starting training for 20 epochs...

      Epoch    GPU_mem   box_loss   cls_loss   dfl_loss  Instances       Size
  0% 0/27 [00:00<?, ?it/s]^C

I also changed the path of train/test/valid of data.yaml so that shouldn’t be an issue.

Any thoughts?