Can i install pytorch 1.1.0 from source, with NVIDIA CUDA 8.0.44?

I want to install pytorch 1.1.0, while my Linux’s CUDA’s version is 8.0.44 (I checked it from nvcc --version)
I find out that pytorch 1.1.0 does not have the .whl files that meets my need. I have to install it from source (with GPU support).

So I want to ask if I can install pytorch 1.1.0 from source, with NVIDIA CUDA 8.0’s GPU acceleration support. I know that CUDA 8.0 is very old now.

yours sincerely,
MingFei Wang.

As far as I know, the min CUDA version is CUDA9 to install PyTorch from source.
Do you really need this older version or could you update to a newer one?

Thank you very much~ And I decide to update CUDA.