I’m trying to compute Jacobian (and its inverse) of the output of an intermediate layer (block1) with respect to the input to the first layer. The code looks like :
def getInverseJacobian(net2, x):
# define jacobian matrix
# x has shape (n_batches X dim of input vector)
# Take one input point from x and forward it through 1st block
jac = torch.zeros(size=(x.shape[1],x.shape[1]))
y = net2.block1(x)
for i in range(x.shape[1]):
jac[i,:] = torch.autograd.grad(y[0][i],x, create_graph=True)[0]
# Getting inverse of jacobian using Penrose pseudo-inverse
jac_inverse = torch.pinverse(jac)
if torch.isnan(jac_inverse).any():
print('Nan encountered in Jacobian !')
return jac_inverse
This works well for single data in a batch. How do I convert it to make a Jacobian for complete batch without using loop. This function will be called several times in the training and loop would not be ideal.
Any suggestions? Am I calculating Jacobian efficiently in the first place? [It is accurate though]
Recently, I met the same problem and tried to do the batch_jacobian operation with for-loops. Although it works, but the runtime is too long. Fianlly, I implemented the batch_jacobian in another way, it is more efficient and the runtime is close to the tf.GradientTape.
def batch_jacobian(func, x, create_graph=False):
# x in shape (Batch, Length)
def _func_sum(x):
return func(x).sum(dim=0)
return autograd.functional.jacobian(_func_sum, x, create_graph=create_graph).permute(1,0,2)
Note that if you’re using the latest version of pytorch, there is a vectorize=True flag for functional.jacobian() that might speed things up in some cases
I’m unsure what the most efficient implementation is if both my inputs and the outputs are batched. Specifically, if I have inputs of shape [B, n] and func maps to outputs of shape [B, m], then calling
But if there is no interaction between batches, then jac[i, :, j, :] are just zero tensors, and I only really need to compute jac[i, :, :] = jac[i, :, i, :].
Of course, I can just select the appropriate entries of jac, but I’m wondering if this is still the most efficient approach here since a lot of unnecessary gradients are computed. Is there a better way?
Just an update for anyone who reads the thread in the future, as of PyTorch2,the functorch library is now included in pytorch. So you can replace functorch with torch.func, for the most part the syntax is the same except if you have an nn.Module you’ll need to create a ‘functional’ version of your model.
For example,
model = myModel(*args, **kwargs) #our network
from torch.func import vmap, jacrev, functional_call
params = dict(model.named_parameters())
inputs = torch.randn(batch_size, input_size) #random input data
def fmodel(params, inputs): #functional version of model
return functional_call(model, params, inputs)
result = vmap(jacrev(fmodel, argnums=(1)), in_dims=(None,0))(params, inputs)
The documentation for torch.func can be found here.
Also, if you’re migrating from functorch to torch.func they have a documentation page on the changes between them here.
I was trying to batch the Jacobian for a StyleGAN2 model, which was not directly compatible with functorch or vectorization for some reason (probably some custom hooks somewhere). Doing _func_sum really helps!