Convert python.list of 1d torch.Tensor to 2d torch.Tensor

(Pdb) p temp
[tensor([ 7.9873e-01,  9.9704e-01, -6.7735e-02, -3.6495e-02,  6.8676e-04,
         5.2778e-02,  6.9929e-03,  1.8170e-02, -4.0842e-02,  8.8229e-02,
        -7.0201e-02,  7.8539e-02, -1.6455e-02,  6.0354e-02, -2.1752e-01,
        -7.2633e-02,  1.0848e-01,  6.1456e-02, -6.3961e-02, -1.0666e-01,
        -2.4548e-02, -4.4079e-02, -6.6344e-03,  1.0026e-01,  1.4799e-01,
        -3.2869e-03, -7.5987e-02])]

For example, here temp is a python.list of a single 1d tensor of length 27, and I would like to convert it to a 2d tensor of dimensions (27,1)

if I had a python.list of 2 1d tensor of length 27, and I would like to convert it to a 2d tensor of dimensions (27,2)

if I had a python.list of N 1d tensor of length 27, and I would like to convert it to a 2d tensor of dimensions (27,N)

Thanks in advance!

Hi Kallinteris!

Does torch.stack() do what you want? Specifically, something like
torch.stack (list_of_tensors, dim = -1)?


K. Frank