I can transform Bitmap to Tensor_float32 with method TensorImageUtils.bitmapToFloat32Tensor() but how can I get a bitmap from the Tensor_float32? Found that solution but it is only for grayscale images: https://itnext.io/converting-pytorch-float-tensor-to-android-rgba-bitmap-with-kotlin-ffd4602a16b6
Hi, I have the same problem, did you find a solution?
// I faced the same problem, and I found the function itself
tortures the RGB colorspace. You should try to convert yuv to a bitmap and use
instead for NOW.
// I modified the code from phillies (up) to get the coloful bitmap. Note that the format of an output tensor is typically NCHW.
// Here’s my function in Kotlin. Hopefully it works in your case:
private fun floatArrayToBitmap(floatArray: FloatArray, width: Int, height: Int) : Bitmap {
// Create empty bitmap in ARGB format
val bmp: Bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val pixels = IntArray(width * height * 4)
// mapping smallest value to 0 and largest value to 255
val maxValue = floatArray.max() ?: 1.0f
val minValue = floatArray.min() ?: -1.0f
val delta = maxValue-minValue
// Define if float min..max will be mapped to 0..255 or 255..0
val conversion = { v: Float -> ((v-minValue)/delta*255.0f).roundToInt()}
// copy each value from float array to RGB channels
for (i in 0 until width * height) {
val r = conversion(floatArray[i])
val g = conversion(floatArray[i+width*height])
val b = conversion(floatArray[i+2*width*height])
pixels[i] = rgb(r, g, b) // you might need to import for rgb()
bmp.setPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height)
return bmp
Hopefully future releases of PyTorch Mobile will fix this bug.
Could you provide the code of java?
hello, I have a problem in the same context.
I have an image shape [1,4,480,640], and I want to convert it to a tensor of the same shape.
BUT when I used TensorImageUtils.bitmaptoFloat() it gives me a shape of [1,3,480,640].
any help please with java code.