I’m trying to use libtorch to load a PyTorch model file from native code on Android. When I load the file, I get the following exception:
terminating with uncaught exception of type c10::Error: Could not find schema for aten::empty.memory_format ()
Exception raised from findSchemaOrThrow at /Users/steve/work/torch/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/core/dispatch/Dispatcher.cpp:131 (most recent call first):
I had previously encountered this same problem on iOS, and fixed it by specifying the “-all_load” flag to the linker.
Based on what I saw on iOS, my guess is that there is some static initializer for the tensor code that is getting stripped out and is not getting called. However, what I thought was the equivalent for clang on Android (“-force_load”) causes some additional link errors that I am struggling to fix.
Is there another way to force that initialization? Where in the libtorch code is this schema usually getting registered?