Creating custom bipartite graph in pytorch geomerty

I have used the code as it is in the tutorial provided in official site. Its giving me error for the line batch = next(iter(dataloader))

######Bipartite Graph#######
class BipartiteData(Data):
def init(self, edge_index, x_s, x_t):
super(BipartiteData, self).init()
self.edge_index = edge_index
self.x_s = x_s
self.x_t = x_t

def __inc__(self, key, value):
    if key == 'edge_index':
        return torch.tensor([self.x_s.size(0), self.x_t.size(0)])
        return super(BipartiteData, self).__inc__(key, value)

edge_index = torch.tensor([
[0, 0, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 2],
x_s = torch.randn(2, 16) # 2 nodes.
x_t = torch.randn(3, 16) # 3 nodes.

data = BipartiteData(edge_index, x_s, x_t)
print (data)
data_list = [data,data]
dataloader = DataLoader(data_list, batch_size=2)
batch = next(iter(dataloader))

Better code dispaly