Creating tensor TypeError: can't convert np.ndarray of type numpy.object_

I am trying to impement this code

while creating these pytorch sensor

X = final_df.values
y = df['Target'].values

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( X, y, test_size=0.4, random_state=42)
train_inputs = torch.tensor(X_train,dtype=torch.float).tag("#iot", "#network","#data","#train")
train_labels = torch.tensor(y_train).tag("#iot", "#network","#target","#train")
test_inputs = torch.tensor(X_test,dtype=torch.float).tag("#iot", "#network","#data","#test")
test_labels = torch.tensor(y_test).tag("#iot", "#network","#target","#test")

i got these errors current_tensor = hook_self.torch.native_tensor(*args, **kwargs) TypeError: can’t convert np.ndarray of type numpy.object_. The only supported types are: float64, float32, float16, int64, int32, int16, int8, uint8, and bool. how to resolve this

I tried this code by reading other stack questions

train_inputs = torch.tensor(X_train.astype(np.float32)).tag(β€œ#iot”, β€œ#network”,β€œdata”,β€œ#train”)
train_labels = torch.tensor(y_train).tag(β€œ#iot”, β€œ#network”,β€œ#target”,β€œ#train”)
test_inputs = torch.tensor(X_test.astype(np.float32)).tag(β€œ#iot”, β€œ#network”,β€œdata”,β€œ#test”)
test_labels = torch.tensor(y_test).tag(β€œ#iot”, β€œ#network”,β€œ#target”,β€œ#test”
but then it gives error ValueError: could not convert string to float: β€˜Total Fwd Packets’ Total Fwd Packets is my first feature name. Any recommendation

I also followed other threads

train_inputs = torch.tensor(X_train.to_numpy()).tag(β€œ#iot”, β€œ#network”,β€œdata”,β€œ#train”)
but got this error

train_inputs = torch.tensor(X_train.to_numpy()).tag(β€œ#iot”, β€œ#network”,β€œdata”,β€œ#train”)

but got this error

train_inputs = torch.tensor(X_train.to_numpy()).tag(β€œ#iot”, β€œ#network”,β€œdata”,β€œ#train”) AttributeError: β€˜numpy.ndarray’ object has no attribute β€˜to_numpy’

numpy.object_ is often referring to a mixed data type used in numpy or a collection of arrays having a different shape, which is not supported in PyTorch.
Here is a small example:

a = np.array([np.random.randn(1), np.random.randn(1, 1)])
> array([[-0.8689455135513591],
         [0.6826695103629262]], dtype=object)

x = torch.from_numpy(a)
> TypeError: can't convert np.ndarray of type numpy.object_. The only supported types are: float64, float32, float16, complex64, complex128, int64, int32, int16, int8, uint8, and bool.

Make sure the numpy array contains values in the same dtype in the same shape.


How can we convert this array of type objects to something that can be used in from_numpy() method

You won’t be able to directly convert it as the object type contains arbitrary or mixed data.
Transform your numpy object to an array first and call torch.from_numpy afterwards.