Creating tensors from input vectors in libtorch

I have some vectors which I create by reading a CSV (using rapidcsv.h) and I was wondering how I can get it to an input tensor so that I can use this as my model input.

I have:

      std::vector<float> some_a = doc.GetColumn<float>(0);
      std::vector<float> some_b = doc.GetColumn<float>(1);
      std::vector<float> some_c = doc.GetColumn<float>(2);
      std::cout << "Read " << some_a.size() << " values." << std::endl; //out: 512
      std::cout << "Read " << some_b.size() << " values." << std::endl; //out: 512
      std::cout << "Read " << some_c.size() << " values." << std::endl; //out:512

      std::vector<torch::jit::IValue> inputs;
      inputs.push_back(torch::zeros({1, 3, 512}));

I would like to assign some_a, some_b and some_c to the 3 tensors in inputs [0,1,:], [0,2,:], [0,3,:].

how does one go about achieving this?