The cross entropy in pythorch can’t be used for the case when the target is soft label, a value between 0 and 1 instead of 0 or 1.
I code my own cross entropy, but i found the classification accuracy is always worse than the nn.CrossEntropyLoss() when i test on the dataset with hard labels, here is my loss:
class softCrossEntropy(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(softCrossEntropy, self).__init__()
def forward(self, inputs, target):
:param inputs: predictions
:param target: target labels
:return: loss
log_likelihood = - F.log_softmax(inputs, dim=1)
sample_num, class_num = target.shape
loss = torch.sum(torch.mul(log_likelihood, target))/sample_num
return loss
could anyone help me to check if there is problem in my code?
Note that cross-entropy for non 0/1 labels is not symmetric, which could be an explanation for the poor performance.
E.g., consider the scenario for the binary cross entropy:
Or consider the following, where the ground truth and the predicted labels are shown on the x axis. I.e., you can see that if both are 0, the cost is zero. However, if both are 0.5, the cost is almost 0.7, although prediction=true label
You can directly incorporate soft labels in a two class classification setting.
Try a sigmoid activation on the scalar output of your network together with the Binary Cross Entropy Loss Function ( BCELoss() )
As you noted the multi class Cross Entropy Loss provided by pytorch does not support soft labels.
You can however substitute the Cross Entropy Loss by taking the Kullback-Leibler Divergence (they are similar up to a constant offset which does not affect optimization).
The KLDivLoss() of pytorch supports soft targets.