Cuda memory for big models

I have created seq2seq model and it has encoder and decoder.
The encoder has 2 main “blocks”: embedding layer (nn.Embedding) and Lstm (nn.LSTM).
Lstm has a lot of parameters and GPU can’t handle even this one block so I can’t use lstm.cuda(1).
What should I do? How can I distribute memory through 8 GPUs in a case of RNN?


P.S Also, want to say that Pytorch is awesome, thank you for developing it :slight_smile:

I don’t know much about seq2seq, but maybe this is a good reference:

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You can manually ship different parts of your model to different GPUs. For example

class MyModel(Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyModel, self).__init__()
        self.m1 = nn.Linear(10, 10)
        self.m2 = nn.Linear(10, 10)
        self.m3 = nn.Linear(10, 10)
        self.m1.cuda(0) # puts in GPU0
        self.m2.cuda(1) # puts in GPU1
        self.m3.cuda(2) # puts in GPU2

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.m1(x.cuda(0))
        x = self.m2(x.cuda(1))
        x = self.m3(x.cuda(2))
        return x

But in my case, one gpu can’t handle some of the layers.
for example, I would not be able to use self.m1.cuda(0) because it would be “out of memory”.
For example, my Lstm “layer”(self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embed_size, hidden_size, num_layers, batch_first=True)) is so much big that I can’t refer if to only one GPU

In this case you might need to adapt the LSTM code in here to handle your huge model.
You can have a look at here for hints where you could eventually split your model between different GPUs

Actually, you might need to use LSTMCell for that, as what I pointed out earlier will probably not be enough.
I don’t have any experience with LSTMs though, so I won’t be able to guide you much further. :confused:

Thanks, I will look at this.
Maybe I can use nn.parallel.data_parallel somehow for my big Lstm “layer”?

Not directly, as DataParallel is only for splitting your input data into many GPUs. But you can always split a huge tensor in several GPUs, something like

# huge tensor is M x K, split in 2 Tensors
hugeTensor = torch.rand(1000, 100)
small_tensors_on_different_gpus = [tensor.gpu(gpu_id) for gpu_id, tensor in 
                                   enumerate(hugeTensor.chunk(nGPUs, 0))]
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I think you mean class DataParallel but I mean def data_parallel link
Or I misunderstand you?

Both are very similar actually, the difference is functional / module interface

Ok, Thank you for help:)