Custom CUDA extension backward pass does not appear as grad_fn

I am implementing a basic sharpener with one parameter just to test the CUDA extension and get it working for further work. The python class is defined as so.

class NASFunction(torch.autograd.Function):

    def forward(ctx, input, A):
        output = nas_cuda.forward(input, A)
        variables = output
        return output

    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        output = nas_cuda.backward(grad_output[0], ctx.saved_variables[1])
        return output, ctx.saved_variables[1]

class NAS(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(NAS, self).__init__()
            self.A = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1) * 0.5).cuda()

        def forward(self, input):
            return NASFunction.apply(input, self.A)

I then define a forward pass and a dummy backward pass. I cannot invoke the dummy backward pass in order to test it and implement it further as it doesn’t appear as a grad_fn hence it can never be applied. The cuda implementation is below.

#include <torch/extension.h>

#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>

#include <vector>

template <typename scalar_t>
__global__ void nas_cuda_forward_kernel(
    torch::PackedTensorAccessor<scalar_t, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits, size_t> input,
    torch::PackedTensorAccessor<scalar_t, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits, size_t> output,
    torch::PackedTensorAccessor<scalar_t, 1, torch::RestrictPtrTraits, size_t> Ap

  int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

  if (i < 1) i = 1;
  if (i > 254) i = 254;
  if (j < 1) j = 1;
  if (j > 254) j = 254;

  // a b c   0 A 0 
  // d e f . A 1 A
  // g h i   0 A 0 

  float norm_factor = (1 + 4 * 0.5);

  const auto b_r = input[0][0][i-1][j];
  const auto b_g = input[0][1][i-1][j];
  const auto b_b = input[0][2][i-1][j];

  const auto d_r = input[0][0][i][j-1];
  const auto d_g = input[0][1][i][j-1];
  const auto d_b = input[0][2][i][j-1];
  const auto e_r = input[0][0][i][j];
  const auto e_g = input[0][1][i][j];
  const auto e_b = input[0][2][i][j];
  const auto f_r = input[0][0][i][j+1];
  const auto f_g = input[0][1][i][j+1];
  const auto f_b = input[0][2][i][j+1];

  const auto h_r = input[0][0][i+1][j];
  const auto h_g = input[0][1][i+1][j];
  const auto h_b = input[0][2][i+1][j];

  float Ap_ = Ap[0];

  output[0][0][i][j] = (e_r + b_r * Ap_ + d_r * Ap_ + f_r * Ap_ + h_r * Ap_) / norm_factor;
  output[0][1][i][j] = (e_g + b_g * Ap_ + d_g * Ap_ + f_g * Ap_ + h_g * Ap_) / norm_factor;
  output[0][2][i][j] = (e_b + b_b * Ap_ + d_b * Ap_ + f_b * Ap_ + h_b * Ap_) / norm_factor;


std::vector<torch::Tensor> nas_cuda_forward(
  torch::Tensor input,
  torch::Tensor A
  auto output = torch::zeros_like(input);
  const auto batch_size = input.size(0);
  const auto channels = input.size(1);
  const auto h = input.size(2);
  const auto w = input.size(3);

  const dim3 blockDim(16, 16);
  const dim3 gridDim(16, 16);

  AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(input.type(), "nas_cuda_forward", ([&] {
    nas_cuda_forward_kernel<scalar_t><<<gridDim, blockDim>>>(
      input.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits, size_t>(),
      output.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits, size_t>(),
      A.packed_accessor<scalar_t, 1, torch::RestrictPtrTraits, size_t>()

  return {output, A};

std::vector<torch::Tensor> nas_cuda_backward(
  torch::Tensor grad_input,
  torch::Tensor A
    A = A* 0.5;
    return {grad_input, A};

Then if I execute the following python to test it

import torch

from cuda.nas import NAS

x = torch.ones(1,3,256,256, requires_grad=True).cuda()

nas = NAS()

y = nas(x)

Which provides the following output

         [[0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
          [0., 1., 1.,  ..., 1., 1., 0.],
          [0., 1., 1.,  ..., 1., 1., 0.],
          [0., 1., 1.,  ..., 1., 1., 0.],
          [0., 1., 1.,  ..., 1., 1., 0.],
          [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.]],

         [[0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.],
          [0., 1., 1.,  ..., 1., 1., 0.],
          [0., 1., 1.,  ..., 1., 1., 0.],
          [0., 1., 1.,  ..., 1., 1., 0.],
          [0., 1., 1.,  ..., 1., 1., 0.],
          [0., 0., 0.,  ..., 0., 0., 0.]]]], device='cuda:0')

And the A parameter is returned as

tensor([0.5000], device='cuda:0', grad_fn=<ToCopyBackward0>)

There is no grad_fn in the output tensor x hence i cannot use Autograd to propagate any information back.

What am I missing here? I am failing to see why output of nas has no grad_fn

You are creating non-leaf tensors by calling differentiable operations on the parameters:

x = torch.ones(1,3,256,256, requires_grad=True).cuda()
self.A = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1) * 0.5).cuda()

Call the cuda() operation (and any other to() operation) on the tensor before wrapping it into an nn.Parameter or set it as an attribute directly:

x = torch.ones(1,3,256,256, requires_grad=True, device="cuda")
self.A = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1, device="cuda") * 0.5)

Hi, thanks so much for the guidance.

I implemented you’re changes and the gradient requirement disappears

x = torch.ones(1,3,256,256, requires_grad=True, device="cuda")
(Pdb) x.requires_grad

which when passed through the model shows

(Pdb) nas(x)[0].requires_grad

Is it perhaps an issue with the my cuda kernel and it prevents it from being able to track gradient information?


Could you create a GitHub repository containing a minimal executable code snippet as well as the build instructions to reproduce the issue, please?
Right now it seems the binding from your extension is missing to the Python API.

Sure, thank you, will share this with you imminently