Cv2.rectangle is not working on images which are converted from tensor to numpy array?


The problem is that when I retrieve the stored images from the custom data loader along with annotations, I am unable to draw a bounding box around the images which are stored as tensor and then retrieved as a NumPy array. Am using simple custom transforms. Below is the code of how the image is read and then what custom transforms are applied to it in my custom dataset class.

       # Read image from the file
        image =  cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.__root_dir, image_desc["file_name"])),
CUSTOM_TRANSFORMS = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()])

My custom data loader is working fine. And my custom dataset is also working fine. Below is the test code of the custom data loader and its output. (Batch size is equal to 1 for simplicity)


for i, (images, annotations) in enumerate(train_dataloader):
    print(type(image[0]), annotations[0])


<class 'numpy.ndarray'> {'image_id': tensor([0]), 'boxes': tensor([[140., 188., 306., 293.]]), 'area': tensor([17430.]), 'iscrowd': tensor([0]), 'labels': tensor([1])}
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> {'image_id': tensor([1]), 'boxes': tensor([[216., 188., 381., 358.]]), 'area': tensor([28050.]), 'iscrowd': tensor([0]), 'labels': tensor([1])}
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> {'image_id': tensor([2]), 'boxes': tensor([[ 78., 257., 330., 433.]]), 'area': tensor([44352.]), 'iscrowd': tensor([0]), 'labels': tensor([1])}
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> {'image_id': tensor([3]), 'boxes': tensor([[ 59., 113., 325., 542.]]), 'area': tensor([114114.]), 'iscrowd': tensor([0]), 'labels': tensor([1])}
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> {'image_id': tensor([4]), 'boxes': tensor([[113., 153., 439., 382.]]), 'area': tensor([74654.]), 'iscrowd': tensor([0]), 'labels': tensor([1])}
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> {'image_id': tensor([5]), 'boxes': tensor([[144.,  78., 487., 342.]]), 'area': tensor([90552.]), 'iscrowd': tensor([0]), 'labels': tensor([1])}

Below code is an explanation of what is happening in my case.


# Read image
image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("/content/dataset/train/img_0.jpg"), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

# Make Bounding Box
bbox = np.array([140., 188., 306., 293.], dtype=np.int32)

# This Works
image_orig = np.copy(image)
print(type(image_orig), image_orig.shape)
cv2.rectangle(image_orig, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), color = (255, 0, 0), thickness = 3)

# This doesn't work
tensor_image = CUSTOM_TRANSFORMS(image) # The way image stored
tensor_image = tensor_image.permute(1, 2, 0) # Reshape
image_clone = tensor_image.numpy() # Convert To numpy array
print(type(image_clone), image_clone.shape)
cv2.rectangle(image_clone, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), color = (255, 0, 0), thickness = 3)

# This works for both image_orig and image_clone
for i in range(bbox[1], bbox[3]):
    for j in range(bbox[0], bbox[2]):
        image_orig[i, j, 1] = 255
        image_clone[i, j, 1] = 255

# Plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 6), facecolor="white")

plt.title("Original image")

plt.title("original image with bounding box and overlay")

plt.title("Converted image from tensor with overlay only (no bbox)")

plt.suptitle("cv2.rectangle not working on data which is converted from tensor to image")


Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> (600, 450, 3)
<class 'numpy.ndarray'> (600, 450, 3)

Please help me to understand what am doing wrong here.


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image_clone = tensor_image.numpy() will cause image_clone to have values 0-1 instead of 0-255.

Following the above post, starting from where you make tensor_image. To cast tensor_image safely back into numpy with values being within 0-255, I’d use torchvision’s ToPILImage and from there go into numpy, as so:

(note that tensor_to_image was set equal to ToPILImage() in the second cell in the above post.

Thanks for helping, the below code works.

# This Works
tensor_image = CUSTOM_TRANSFORMS(image) # The way image stored
image_clone = np.array(transforms.ToPILImage()(tensor_image))
print(type(image_clone), image_clone.shape)
cv2.rectangle(image_clone, (bbox[0], bbox[1]), (bbox[2], bbox[3]), color = (255, 0, 0), thickness = 3)
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Great to hear :slight_smile: Don’t forget to mark a reply as a correction answer in case other people are searching for a solution too!

Also: If you are wanting to go from tensor to numpy directly (and skip the PIL Image conversion part), that may be a good idea in terms of runtime. I’d imagine doing this for a bunch of images may be quite slow! I tried looking around for a bit and not sure what the exact cause of this error was

It may have to do with something with the datatype (i.e. numpy’s uint8 from image_orig versus image_clone’s datatype that comes from tensor_image.numpy(). I tried converting image_clone to be of numpy’s uint8 via (image_clone*255).astype(np.uint8), but got the same error when trying to draw rectangles, very weird. Additionally tried doing (tensor_image*255).long().numpy() so it’s already in a non-float format (and between 0-255) but no luck. There must be some other states of these numpy variables behind-the-scenes perhaps.

The reason is that after “tensor_image.permute(1, 2, 0)”, the tensor_image is not contiguous in memory, which makes image_clone also not contiguous.

You can change the code in below two ways:

  1. tensor_image = tensor_image.permute(1, 2, 0); tensor_image.contiguous()
  2. image_clone = np.ascontiguousarray(image_clone)

Then cv.rectangle can draw on the contiguous numpy object directly.